Results 1 to 10 of about 791,827 (194)

Flora Stevenson (1839-1905), philanthropist and educationist [PDF]

open access: yes, 2004
Biography of Flora Stevenson, 19th century philanthropist and ...
Corr, Helen
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19th century Schnapps [PDF]

open access: yes, 2023
This 19th century Udolpho Wolfe\u27s Schnapps bottle was excavated by archaeologists as part of the I-10 Mobile River Bridge Archaeology Project in Mobile, Alabama. Learn more about the project: Facebook: Instagram:
Knutson, Jennifer
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The phenomenon of biological evolution: 19th century misconception [PDF]

open access: yes, 2009
Scientists still think that biological evolution is driven by the process named natural selection. Perhaps this 19th century notion was indeed a revolutionary idea at the time when it has been introduced.
Balciunas, Mr Dalius
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Giving Voice to a 19th Century Girl [PDF]

open access: yes, 2014
Over the course of two decades, an English professor created a unique learning opportunity for 17 students who assisted in the translation of the diaries of Marie ...
Kernberger, Katherine
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Lead Miners Earnings in 19th Century Allendale [PDF]

open access: yes, 2012
This paper uses the records of the Beaumont/Blackett lead mining concerns in Allendale to examine the earnings for lead miners in the early 1860's.
Barmby, Tim
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Religious Minorities and Freedom of Religion or Belief in the UK [PDF]

open access: yes, 2018
By particular reference to the polity of the UK, this article discusses issues and options for groups identified as "religious minorities" in relation to issues of "religious freedom".
Weller, Paul
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Grundtvig and the 19th Century

open access: yesGrundtvig-Studier, 1993
Grundtvig og nationalismen i det 19. århundredeAf Lorenz RerupArtiklen beskæftiger sig med Grundtvigs folkelighedsbegreb i med fremkomsten af nationalismen i Europa i det 18. og 19. århundrede. Grundtvig opførte sig ved visse lejligheder som en nationalist af den type, man almindeligvis tager afstand fra.
openaire   +2 more sources

Animacy in early New Zealand english [PDF]

open access: yes, 2012
The literature suggests that animacy effects in present-day spoken New Zealand English (NZE) differ from animacy effects in other varieties of English. We seek to determine if such differences have a history in earlier NZE writing or not.
Hundt, Marianne, Szmrecsanyi, Benedikt
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In the field:Coase an exemplar in the tradition of Smith, Marshall and Ostrom [PDF]

open access: yes, 2014
This paper argues that Coase provides the primary 20th century exemplar of the grounding of analytical developments in economics in direct fieldwork observation.
Reid, Gavin C.
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Demographic, Residential, and Socioeconomic Effects on the Distribution of 19th Century African-American Body Mass Index Values [PDF]

open access: yes
Little research exists on the body mass index values of late 19th and early 20th century African-Americans. Using a new BMI data set and robust statistics, this paper demonstrates that late 19th and early 20th century black BMI variation by age increased
Scott A. Carson

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