Results 1 to 10 of about 791,827 (194)
Flora Stevenson (1839-1905), philanthropist and educationist [PDF]
Biography of Flora Stevenson, 19th century philanthropist and ...
Corr, Helen
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This 19th century Udolpho Wolfe\u27s Schnapps bottle was excavated by archaeologists as part of the I-10 Mobile River Bridge Archaeology Project in Mobile, Alabama. Learn more about the project: Facebook: Instagram:
Knutson, Jennifer
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The phenomenon of biological evolution: 19th century misconception [PDF]
Scientists still think that biological evolution is driven by the process named natural selection. Perhaps this 19th century notion was indeed a revolutionary idea at the time when it has been introduced.
Balciunas, Mr Dalius
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Giving Voice to a 19th Century Girl [PDF]
Over the course of two decades, an English professor created a unique learning opportunity for 17 students who assisted in the translation of the diaries of Marie ...
Kernberger, Katherine
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Lead Miners Earnings in 19th Century Allendale [PDF]
This paper uses the records of the Beaumont/Blackett lead mining concerns in Allendale to examine the earnings for lead miners in the early 1860's.
Barmby, Tim
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Religious Minorities and Freedom of Religion or Belief in the UK [PDF]
By particular reference to the polity of the UK, this article discusses issues and options for groups identified as "religious minorities" in relation to issues of "religious freedom".
Weller, Paul
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Grundtvig and the 19th Century
Grundtvig og nationalismen i det 19. århundredeAf Lorenz RerupArtiklen beskæftiger sig med Grundtvigs folkelighedsbegreb i med fremkomsten af nationalismen i Europa i det 18. og 19. århundrede. Grundtvig opførte sig ved visse lejligheder som en nationalist af den type, man almindeligvis tager afstand fra.
openaire +2 more sources
Animacy in early New Zealand english [PDF]
The literature suggests that animacy effects in present-day spoken New Zealand English (NZE) differ from animacy effects in other varieties of English. We seek to determine if such differences have a history in earlier NZE writing or not.
Hundt, Marianne, Szmrecsanyi, Benedikt
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In the field:Coase an exemplar in the tradition of Smith, Marshall and Ostrom [PDF]
This paper argues that Coase provides the primary 20th century exemplar of the grounding of analytical developments in economics in direct fieldwork observation.
Reid, Gavin C.
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Demographic, Residential, and Socioeconomic Effects on the Distribution of 19th Century African-American Body Mass Index Values [PDF]
Little research exists on the body mass index values of late 19th and early 20th century African-Americans. Using a new BMI data set and robust statistics, this paper demonstrates that late 19th and early 20th century black BMI variation by age increased
Scott A. Carson