Results 1 to 10 of about 1,319 (79)
Examples of Anosov diffeomorphisms [PDF]
We give a simple procedure to construct explicit examples of nilmanifolds admitting an Anosov diffeomorphism, and show that a reasonable classification up to homeomorphism (or even up to commensurability) of such nilmanifolds would not be possible ...
Lauret, Jorge
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Unextendable Intrinsic Lipschitz Curves: [PDF]
In the setting of Carnot groups, we exhibit examples of intrinisc Lipschitz curves of positive H1measure that intersect every connected intrinsic Lipschitz curve in a H1-negligible set.
Gioacchino Antonelli, Andrea Merlo
semanticscholar +1 more source
Let (M, ∇, 〈, 〉) be a manifold endowed with a flat torsionless connection r and a Riemannian metric 〈, 〉 and (TkM)k≥1 the sequence of tangent bundles given by TkM = T(Tk−1M) and T1M = TM. We show that, for any k ≥ 1, TkM carries a Hermitian structure (Jk,
Boucetta Mohamed
doaj +1 more source
On Degenerate 3-(α, δ)-Sasakian Manifolds
We propose a new method to construct degenerate 3-(α, δ)-Sasakian manifolds as fiber products of Boothby-Wang bundles over hyperkähler manifolds. Subsequently, we study homogeneous degenerate 3-(α, δ)-Sasakian manifolds and prove that no non-trivial ...
Goertsches Oliver+2 more
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Weighted CBMO estimates for commutators of matrix Hausdorff operator on the Heisenberg group
In this article, we study the commutators of Hausdorff operators and establish their boundedness on the weighted Herz spaces in the setting of the Heisenberg group.
Ajaib Amna, Hussain Amjad
doaj +1 more source
Acute changes in clinical breast measurements following bra removal:implications for surgical practice [PDF]
BackgroundStable measurement of breast position is crucial for objective pre-operative planning and post-operative evaluation. In clinical practice, breast measures are often taken immediately following bra removal.
Brown, Nicola+3 more
core +3 more sources
On the use of an explicit chemical mechanism to dissect peroxy acetyl nitrate formation. [PDF]
Peroxy acetyl nitrate (PAN) is a key component of photochemical smog and plays an important role in atmospheric chemistry. Though it has been known that PAN is produced via reactions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) with some volatile organic compounds (VOCs ...
Blake, Donald R+16 more
core +1 more source
Locally conformally Kähler structures on four-dimensional solvable Lie algebras
We classify and investigate locally conformally Kähler structures on four-dimensional solvable Lie algebras up to linear equivalence. As an application we can produce many examples in higher dimension, here including lcK structures on Oeljeklaus-Toma ...
Angella Daniele, Origlia Marcos
doaj +1 more source
On theorems of Morgan and Cowling-Price for selected nilpotent Lie groups
Let G be a connected, simply connected nilpotent Lie group. For p,q ∈ [1,+∞] , the Lp −Lq analogue of Morgan’s theorem was proved only for two step nilpotent Lie groups.
K. Smaoui
semanticscholar +1 more source
Review : Auto-oxidation of aliphatic polyamides [PDF]
The literature on oxidation kinetics of polyamides and model compounds has been reviewed in order to try to extract suitable information for non-empirical kinetic modeling.
FAYOLLE, Bruno+5 more
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