Results 1 to 10 of about 17,959,350 (348)

Behavior of adolescents in the digital educational environment: Definition of concepts and formulation of the problem [PDF]

open access: yesИзвестия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия Акмеология образования: Психология развития, 2021
The relevance of the problem of adolescent behavior in the digital educational environment is conditioned by acceleration of education digitalization processes, which participate in the formation of a new type of behavior, i.e.
Viktor I. Panov   +3 more
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Impact of school values on mass media preference and usage: a study of a private university in North Central, Nigeria

open access: yesHumanities & Social Sciences Communications, 2023
Research on communications has consistently demonstrated that mass media is predicted to have a strong influence on students’ behavior and their overall disposition to academic performance. However, how school values influence media preference and use is
Abigail Affiong Mkperedem   +10 more
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New Equivalents of Kurepa’s Hypothesis for Left Factorial

open access: yesAxioms, 2023
Kurepa’s hypothesis for the left factorial has been an unsolved problem for more than 50 years. In this paper, we have proposed new equivalents for Kurepa’s hypothesis for the left factorial.
Aleksandar Petojević   +3 more
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open access: yesКонсультативная психология и психотерапия, 2021
The article considers the subject of effectiveness of parental assistance to children in challenging situations from the practical and theoretical perspectives.
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Social Services Management in the Context of Ethnic Roma Issues in the Czech Republic with a Focus on Education for Roma Children

open access: yesSocial Sciences, 2022
According to qualified estimates by sociologists, the Czech national census and governmental bodies in the EU, as many as 350,000 ethnic Roma people live in the Czech Republic. Yet, only a fraction of the Roma population has received higher education and
Marek Merhaut   +2 more
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Faculty Modeling Co-Teaching and Collaboration Practices in General Education and Special Education Courses in Teacher Preparation Programmes [PDF]

open access: yesAthens Journal of Education, 2017
As increasing numbers of students enter K-12 schools with varied learning needs, one viable option to address their needs is through co-teaching or pairing of general and special education teachers in the same classroom to help all students learn.
Leila Ansari Ricci, Joan C. Fingon
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Phytochemical Analysis of the Feed of the Tapanuli Orangutan as a Continuing Conservation Effort

open access: yesPrisma Sains: Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram, 2021
This study aims to determine the type of feed for the Tapanuli orangutan (Pongotapanuiliensis), and the phytochemical compounds contained in the diet of the Tapanuli orangutan (Pongotapanuiliensis).
Apriani Sijabat   +1 more
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Distance Education Experiences of Teacher-Parents during the COVID-19 ı [PDF]

open access: yesAthens Journal of Education, 2022
This research aimed to determine the opinions of teacher parents about distance education process during COVID-19. The study was designed as a case study which is one of the methods in qualitative research.
Derya Güvercin   +2 more
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What Has Been Thought and Taught on the Lunar Influence on Plants in Agriculture? Perspective from Physics and Biology

open access: yesAgronomy, 2020
This paper reviews the beliefs which drive some agricultural sectors to consider the lunar influence as either a stress or a beneficial factor when it comes to organizing their tasks.
Olga Mayoral   +3 more
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On Certain Properties of a Univalent Function Associated with Beta Function

open access: yesAbstract and Applied Analysis, 2022
Beta function has some applications in differential equations and other areas of sciences and engineering where certain definite integrals are used. However, its applications to univalent functions have not been explored based on the available literature.
Matthew Olanrewaju Oluwayemi   +2 more
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