Results 1 to 10 of about 1,929 (114)
On Doubly Twisted Product of Complex Finsler Manifolds
Journal of Mathematical Study, 2022Let (M1,F1) and (M2,F2) be two strongly pseudoconvex complex Finsler manifolds. The doubly twisted product (abbreviated as DTP) complex Finsler manifold (M1×(λ1,λ2) M2,F) is the product manifold M1×M2 endowed with the twisted product complex Finsler ...
W. Xiao+3 more
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Ruled real hypersurfaces in the complex hyperbolic quadric
Demonstratio Mathematica, 2023In this article, we introduce a new family of real hypersurfaces in the complex hyperbolic quadric Qn∗=SO2,no∕SO2SOn{{Q}^{n}}^{\ast }=S{O}_{2,n}^{o}/S{O}_{2}S{O}_{n}, namely, the ruled real hypersurfaces foliated by complex hypersurfaces.
Lee Hyunjin, Suh Young Jin, Woo Changhwa
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Basic inequalities for statistical submanifolds in Golden-like statistical manifolds
Open Mathematics, 2022In this paper, we introduce and study Golden-like statistical manifolds. We obtain some basic inequalities for curvature invariants of statistical submanifolds in Golden-like statistical manifolds.
Lone Mohamd Saleem+3 more
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Classification of f-biharmonic submanifolds in Lorentz space forms
Open Mathematics, 2021In this paper, f-biharmonic submanifolds with parallel normalized mean curvature vector field in Lorentz space forms are discussed. When ff is a constant, we prove that such submanifolds have parallel mean curvature vector field with the minimal ...
Du Li
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Estimates for eigenvalues of the Neumann and Steklov problems
Advances in Nonlinear Analysis, 2023We prove Li-Yau-Kröger-type bounds for Neumann-type eigenvalues of the biharmonic operator on bounded domains in a Euclidean space. We also prove sharp estimates for lower order eigenvalues of a biharmonic Steklov problem and of the Laplacian, which ...
Du Feng+4 more
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On f-rectifying curves in the Euclidean 4-space
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Mathematica, 2021A rectifying curve in the Euclidean 4-space 𝔼4 is defined as an arc length parametrized curve γ in 𝔼4 such that its position vector always lies in its rectifying space (i.e., the orthogonal complement Nγ ˔ of its principal normal vector field Nγ) in 𝔼4 ...
Iqbal Zafar, Sengupta Joydeep
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Spacelike Bertrand curves in Minkowski 3-space revisited
Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta: Seria Matematica, 2023In the geometry of curves in 𝔼3, if the principal normal vector field of a given space curve ϕ with non-zero curvatures is the principal normal vector field of another space curve ϕ*, then the curve ϕ is called a Bertrand curve and ϕ* is called Bertrand ...
Erdem Hatice Altın, İlarslan Kazım
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A survey on Inverse mean curvature flow in ROSSes
Complex Manifolds, 2017In this survey we discuss the evolution by inverse mean curvature flow of star-shaped mean convex hypersurfaces in non-compact rank one symmetric spaces.
Pipoli Giuseppe
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Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 2000In this paper, we show new results on slant submanifolds of an almost contact metric manifold. We study and characterize slant submanifolds of K-contact and Sasakian manifolds. We also study the special class of three-dimensional slant submanifolds.
J. Cabrerizo+3 more
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Polar Actions on Berger Spheres [PDF]
, 2006The object of this article is to study a torus action on a so-called Berger sphere. We also make some comments on polar actions on naturally reductive homogeneous spaces. Finally, we prove a rigidity-type theorem for Riemannian manifolds carrying a polar
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