Results 1 to 10 of about 1,067 (60)
On the Weinstein conjecture in higher dimensions [PDF]
The existence of a "Plastikstufe" for a contact structure implies the Weinstein conjecture for all supporting contact forms.Comment: 5 ...
Albers, Peter, Hofer, Helmut
core +2 more sources
In this article, we establish a Gaffney type inequality, in Wℓ,p{W}^{\ell ,p}-Sobolev spaces, for differential forms on sub-Riemannian contact manifolds without boundary, having bounded geometry (hence, in particular, we have in mind noncompact manifolds)
Baldi Annalisa+2 more
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Thurston’s fragmentation and c-principles
In this paper, we generalize the original idea of Thurston for the so-called Mather-Thurston’s theorem for foliated bundles to prove new variants of this theorem for PL homeomorphisms and contactormorphisms.
Sam Nariman
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Rigidity properties of holomorphic Legendrian singularities [PDF]
We study the singularities of Legendrian subvarieties of contact manifolds in the complex-analytic category and prove two rigidity results. The first one is that Legendrian singularities with reduced tangent cones are contactomorphically biholomorphic to
Jun-Muk Hwang
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Contact manifolds, Lagrangian Grassmannians and PDEs
In this paper we review a geometric approach to PDEs. We mainly focus on scalar PDEs in n independent variables and one dependent variable of order one and two, by insisting on the underlying (2n + 1)-dimensional contact manifold and the so-called ...
Eshkobilov Olimjon+3 more
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Submanifolds of F‐structure manifold satisfying FK + (−)K+1F = 0
The purpose of this paper is to study invariant submanifolds of an n‐dimensional manifold M endowed with an F‐structure satisfying FK + (−)K+1F = 0 and FW + (−)W+1F ≠ 0 for 1 < W < K, where K is a fixed positive integer greater than 2. The case when K is odd (≥3) has been considered in this paper.
Lovejoy S. Das
wiley +1 more source
Pseudo-slant submanifolds in cosymplectic space forms
In this paper, we study the geometry of the pseudo-slant submanifolds of a cosymplectic space form. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for a submanifold to be a pseudo-slant submanifold, pseudo-slant product, mixed geodesic and totally ...
Dirik Süleyman, Atçeken Mehmet
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We define an invariant of contact 3-manifolds with convex boundary using Kronheimer and Mrowka’s sutured monopole Floer homology theory ( $SHM$ ).
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Strongly pseudo-convex CR space forms
For a contact manifold, we study a strongly pseudo-convex CR space form with constant holomorphic sectional curvature for the Tanaka-Webster connection.
Cho Jong Taek
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Contact metric manifolds with large automorphism group and (κ, µ)-spaces
We discuss the classifiation of simply connected, complete (κ, µ)-spaces from the point of view of homogeneous spaces. In particular, we exhibit new models of (κ, µ)-spaces having Boeckx invariant -1.
Lotta Antonio
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