Results 1 to 10 of about 466 (66)
A basic inequality for submanifolds in a cosymplectic space form [PDF]
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Volume 2003, Issue 9, Page 539-547, 2003., 2003For submanifolds tangent to the structure vector field in cosymplectic space forms, we establish a basic inequality between the main intrinsic invariants of the submanifold, namely, its sectional curvature and scalar curvature on one side; and its main extrinsic invariant, namely, squared mean curvature on the other side.
Jeong-Sik Kim, Jaedong Choi
wiley +6 more sources
Geometric classifications of k-almost Ricci solitons admitting paracontact metrices
Open Mathematics, 2023The prime objective of the approach is to give geometric classifications of kk-almost Ricci solitons associated with paracontact manifolds. Let M2n+1(φ,ξ,η,g){M}^{2n+1}\left(\varphi ,\xi ,\eta ,g) be a paracontact metric manifold, and if a KK-paracontact
Li Yanlin+4 more
doaj +1 more source
Biharmonic almost complex structures
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 2023This project uses methods in geometric analysis to study almost complex manifolds. We introduce the notion of biharmonic almost complex structure on a compact almost Hermitian manifold and study its regularity and existence in dimension four.
Weiyong He
doaj +1 more source
Geometry of conformal η-Ricci solitons and conformal η-Ricci almost solitons on paracontact geometry
Open Mathematics, 2022We prove that if an η\eta -Einstein para-Kenmotsu manifold admits a conformal η\eta -Ricci soliton then it is Einstein. Next, we proved that a para-Kenmotsu metric as a conformal η\eta -Ricci soliton is Einstein if its potential vector field VV is ...
Li Yanlin+3 more
doaj +1 more source
Ricci ϕ-invariance on almost cosymplectic three-manifolds
Open Mathematics, 2023Let M3{M}^{3} be a strictly almost cosymplectic three-manifold whose Ricci operator is weakly ϕ\phi -invariant. In this article, it is proved that Ricci curvatures of M3{M}^{3} are invariant along the Reeb flow if and only if M3{M}^{3} is locally ...
Pan Quanxiang
doaj +1 more source
Almost Kenmotsu 3-h-manifolds with transversely Killing-type Ricci operators
Open Mathematics, 2020In this paper, it is proved that the Ricci operator of an almost Kenmotsu 3-h-manifold M is of transversely Killing-type if and only if M is locally isometric to the hyperbolic 3-space ℍ3(−1){{\mathbb{H}}}^{3}(-1) or a non-unimodular Lie group endowed ...
Pan Quanxiang, Wu Hui, Wang Yajie
doaj +1 more source
A study on magnetic curves in trans-Sasakian manifolds
Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta: Seria Matematica, 2023In this paper, we focused on biharmonic, f-harmonic and f-biharmonic magnetic curves in trans-Sasakian manifolds. Moreover, we obtain necessary and su cient conditions for magnetic curves as well as Legendre magnetic curves to be biharmonic, f-harmonic ...
Bozdağ Şerife Nur
doaj +1 more source
Generalized Contact Bundles [PDF]
, 2016In this Note, we propose a line bundle approach to odd-dimensional analogues of generalized complex structures. This new approach has three main advantages: (1) it encompasses all existing ones; (2) it elucidates the geometric meaning of the ...
Vitagliano, Luca, Wade, Aïssa
core +3 more sources
Some Results on Generalized Sasakian Space Forms
Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, 2020In the present frame work, we studied the semi generalized recurrent, semi generalized ϕ-recurrent, extended generalized ϕ-recurrent and concircularly locally ϕ-symmetric on generalized Sasakian space forms.
Venkatesha Shanmukha B.
doaj +1 more source
On invariants of almost symplectic connections [PDF]
, 2011We study the irreducible decomposition under Sp(2n, R) of the space of torsion tensors of almost symplectic connections. Then a description of all symplectic quadratic invariants of torsion-like tensors is given.
A Nannicini+12 more
core +2 more sources