Where Eriophyoidea (Acariformes) Belong in the Tree of Life [PDF]
Over the past century and a half, the taxonomic placement of Eriophyoidea has been in flux. For much of this period, this group has been treated as a subtaxon within Trombidiformes.
Samuel J. Bolton+3 more
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The sejugal furrow in camel spiders and acariform mites [PDF]
Camel spiders (Arachnida: Solifugae) are one of the arachnid groups characterised by a prosomal dorsal shield composed of three distinct elements: the pro-, meso- and metapeltidium.
Dunlop, Jason A.+2 more
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The labidostommatid palpus: a morphological enigma (Acariformes: Prostigmata) [PDF]
International audienceHypotheses are reviewed concerning which segments of the primitively five-segmented palpus are coalesced to form the simple, linear, four-segmented form characteristic of labidostommatid mites.
E.E. Lindquist, Ekaterina Sidorchuk
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Quill Mites of the Subfamily Syringophilinae (Acariformes: Syringophilidae) Parasitising Starlings (Passeriformes: Sturnidae) [PDF]
Quill mites of the family Syringophilidae are widely distributed parasites of birds inhabiting the interior of feather quills. In this paper, we provide detailed information on the host spectrum and distribution for six previously described species of ...
Iva Marcisova+4 more
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Phylogenetic position of the acariform mites: sensitivity to homology assessment under total evidence [PDF]
Background Mites (Acari) have traditionally been treated as monophyletic, albeit composed of two major lineages: Acariformes and Parasitiformes. Yet recent studies based on morphology, molecular data, or combinations thereof, have increasingly drawn ...
Pepato Almir R+2 more
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Mite Fauna of the Family Syringophilidae (Acariformes: Prostigmata) Parasitizing Darwin’s Finches in Galápagos Archipelago [PDF]
Due to the biological uniqueness of the Galápagos Islands, ectoparasites of their avian fauna are relatively well-studied compared with other oceanic islands.
Maciej Skoracki+3 more
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Species Composition of Parasitic Mites of the Subfamily Picobiinae (Acariformes: Syringophilidae) Associated with African Barbets (Piciformes: Lybiidae) [PDF]
In this study, we conducted a parasitological investigation of the quill mite fauna of the subfamily Picobiinae (Acariformes: Prostigmata: Syringophilidae) associated with African barbets (Aves: Piciformes: Lybiidae).
Bozena Sikora+4 more
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Diversity and Interactions between Picobiine Mites and Starlings [PDF]
The subfamily Picobiinae (Acariformes: Syringophilidae) comprises obligate and permanent parasites of birds found exclusively in the quills of contour feathers.
Bozena Sikora+5 more
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Out of Africa: the mite community (Arachnida: Acariformes) of the common waxbill, Estrilda astrild (Linnaeus, 1758) (Passeriformes: Estrildidae) in Brazil [PDF]
Background The common waxbill, Estrilda astrild (L., 1758) (Passeriformes: Estrildidae) is a small passerine bird native to Sub-Saharan Africa that has been introduced into several regions of the world.
Fabio Akashi Hernandes, Barry M. OConnor
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Phylogenomics resolves the higher-level phylogeny of herbivorous eriophyoid mites (Acariformes: Eriophyoidea) [PDF]
Background Eriophyoid mites (Eriophyoidea) are among the largest groups in the Acariformes; they are strictly phytophagous. The higher-level phylogeny of eriophyoid mites, however, remains unresolved due to the limited number of available morphological ...
Qi Zhang+8 more
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