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External validation of 5A score model for predicting in-hospital mortality among the accidental hypothermia patients: JAAM-Hypothermia study 2018–2019 secondary analysis [PDF]

open access: goldJournal of Intensive Care, 2022
Background The 5A score including five components “Age, Activities of daily living, Arrest, Acidemia and Albumin” was developed as an easy-to-use screening tool for predicting in-hospital mortality among patients with accidental hypothermia. However, the
Yohei Okada   +5 more
doaj   +8 more sources

Hyperoxia for accidental hypothermia and increased mortality: a post-hoc analysis of a multicenter prospective observational study [PDF]

open access: yesCritical Care, 2023
Background Supraphysiologic oxygen administration causes unfavorable clinical outcomes in various diseases, including traumatic brain injury, post–cardiac arrest syndrome, and acute lung injury.
Ryo Yamamoto   +4 more
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Wischnewski spots in a case of accidental hypothermia [PDF]

open access: yesClinical Case Reports, 2021
Accidental hypothermia can be fatal, and is often associated with confusion and paradoxical undressing. Wischnewski spots are a classic manifestation of hypothermia at autopsy.
Katerina Flabouris   +2 more
doaj   +3 more sources

Accidental hypothermia: direct evidence for consciousness as a marker of cardiac arrest risk in the acute assessment of cold patients [PDF]

open access: yesScandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 2022
Background Rapid stratification of the risk of cardiac arrest is essential in the assessment of patients with isolated accidental hypothermia. Traditional methods based on measurement of core temperature are unreliable in the field.
Samuel Barrow, Galen Ives
doaj   +3 more sources

Physiological Changes in Subjects Exposed to Accidental Hypothermia: An Update. [PDF]

open access: goldFront Med (Lausanne), 2022
Background Accidental hypothermia (AH) is an unintended decrease in body core temperature (BCT) to below 35°C. We present an update on physiological/pathophysiological changes associated with AH and rewarming from hypothermic cardiac arrest (HCA ...
Bjertnæs LJ   +6 more
europepmc   +4 more sources

Accidental Hypothermia in a Swiss Alpine Trauma Centre-Not an Alpine Problem. [PDF]

open access: goldInt J Environ Res Public Health, 2022
BACKGROUND Research in accidental hypothermia focuses on trauma patients, patients exposed to cold environments or patients after drowning but rarely on hypothermia in combination with intoxications or on medical or neurological issues.
Habegger K   +7 more
europepmc   +6 more sources

The Value of Myocardium and Kidney Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Findings in Accidental Hypothermia-Related Fatalities. [PDF]

open access: goldMedicina (Kaunas), 2022
Background and Objectives: The post-mortem diagnosis of hypothermia is challenging in forensics. The aim of our study was to detect the kidney and heart histopathological changes that occurred in a group of hypothermia-related fatalities.
Hleșcu AA   +4 more
europepmc   +4 more sources

Clinical relevance of impaired consciousness in accidental hypothermia: a Japanese multicenter retrospective study [PDF]

open access: yesAcute Medicine & Surgery, 2022
Aim This study aimed to investigate the association between level of impaired consciousness and severe hypothermia (
Masahiro Fukuda   +14 more
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Machine learning-based prediction models for accidental hypothermia patients [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Intensive Care, 2021
Background Accidental hypothermia is a critical condition with high risks of fatal arrhythmia, multiple organ failure, and mortality; however, there is no established model to predict the mortality. The present study aimed to develop and validate machine
Yohei Okada   +15 more
doaj   +3 more sources

Accidental hypothermia [PDF]

open access: greenEmergency Care Journal, 2006
Hypothermia is defined as an unintentional decrease of core body temperature below 35 °C. In this article we discuss pathophysiology, clinical aspects and treatment of hypothermic patients.
Ivo Casagranda   +6 more
doaj   +8 more sources

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