Results 1 to 10 of about 399,744 (366)

Accidental Symmetries in the 2HDMEFT [PDF]

open access: yesNucl.Phys.B 960 (2020) 115171, 2020
We construct accidentally symmetric potentials in the framework of Two Higgs Model Effective Field Theory (2HDMEFT) including higher-order operators of dimension 6 and dimension 8. Our construction is facilitated by an earlier developed technique based on prime invariants.
Birch-Sykes, Callum   +3 more
arxiv   +5 more sources

Analysis of the average duration of sick leave due to electrical contact in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors in Spain (2013–2019). [PDF]

open access: yes, 2023
El análisis del impacto económico de la salud y la seguridad en el trabajo se ha dejado de lado durante muchos años. Diversos estudios han reconocido la importancia de analizar la gravedad de los accidentes en función del número de jornadas perdidas por ...
Herrera Perez, Virginia   +3 more
core   +1 more source

Análisis de los factores personales y laborales que contribuyen a los accidentes de la industria de la construcción en el Perú [PDF]

open access: yes, 2023
The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between individual and occupational risk factors and accidents at road construction sites in Lima, Peru.
Salazar Tenorio, Juan Francisco
core   +2 more sources

Conceptual Design and Parametric Optimization of a New Multileveled Horsetail Structure for Bicycle Helmets

open access: yesAdvanced Engineering Materials, EarlyView., 2023
This study aims to explore the feasibility of using a structure inspired by the features of horsetail and human spine as the potential helmet liner, targeting at mitigation of acceleration‐induced injuries. A parametric study is conducted to investigate the effect of individual geometrical variables in the design, indicating its capability to reduce ...
Bing Leng   +3 more
wiley   +1 more source


open access: yesKairós, Revista de Ciencias Económicas, Jurídicas y Administrativas, 2022
El objetivo es conocer la producción científica sobre la relación entre costo y accidentes laborales y enfermedades profesionales publicadas entre el periodo 2010 a 2020, a partir de la aplicación de la bibliometría y análisis temático.
Vinshelly M. Patiño-Valdiviezo   +2 more
doaj   +1 more source

Los trabajadores ferroviarios ante los accidentes de trabajo. Denuncias, reclamos y demandas en la Argentina de comienzos del siglo XX

open access: yesRevista Latinoamericana de Trabajo y Trabajadores, 2021
A partir de un corpus documental que incluye prensa sindical, política y nacional, fallos judiciales e informes publicados por el Departamento Nacional del Trabajo, este artículo analiza los accidentes de trabajo en los ferrocarriles de la Argentina ...
Florencia D'Uva
doaj   +3 more sources

Evolución de la cobertura informativa sobre accidentes y suicidios en la prensa digital española (2010-2017)

open access: yesHistoria y Comunicación Social, 2022
Este estudio mide la evolución (2010-2017) de la cobertura informativa en la prensa digital española de las principales causas de muerte externa en España: suicidios, caídas accidentales, ahogamientos y accidentes de tráfico. Se analizan las principales
Javier Olivar-Julián   +2 more
doaj   +1 more source

Accidental symmetries in the scalar potential of the Standard Model extended with two Higgs triplets [PDF]

open access: yesJHEP 02 (2022) 059, 2021
The extension of the Standard Model (SM) with two Higgs triplets offers an appealing way to account for both tiny Majorana neutrino masses via the type-II seesaw mechanism and the cosmological matter-antimatter asymmetry via the triplet leptogenesis. In this paper, we classify all possible accidental symmetries in the scalar potential of the two-Higgs ...
arxiv   +1 more source

Topography‐Supported Nanoarchitectonics of Hybrid Scaffold for Systematically Modulated Bone Regeneration and Remodeling

open access: yesAdvanced Functional Materials, Volume 32, Issue 51, December 16, 2022., 2022
In order to enhance the mechanical durability and biocompatibility of orthopedic implants, additively manufactured polyetheretherketone is reinforced with internal titanium dioxide nanoparticles via dopamine‐induced polymerization and additionally coated with hydroxyapatite using radiofrequency magnetron sputtering.
Tae‐Sik Jang   +15 more
wiley   +1 more source

3D Printed Hybrid Aerogel Gauzes Enable Highly Efficient Hemostasis

open access: yesAdvanced Healthcare Materials, Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2, 2023., 2023
Biocompatible and mechanically stable Kevlar nanofiber‐poly(vinyl alcohol) (KNF‐PVA) hybrid aerogel gauzes demonstrating remarkable water permeability, water absorption speed and capacity, and ability to enrich solution‐suspended micronparticles are fabricated via direct‐ink‐writing‐based 3D printing.
Xiaoxu Yang   +7 more
wiley   +1 more source

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