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Abstract Introduction The inclusion of people who use drugs in the design and evaluation of their health services remains a relatively new phenomenon. The aim of the research was to explore the experiences and perceptions of people accessing the Medical Supervised Injecting Centre (MSIC), and Clinic 180, Sydney Australia, and the factors facilitating ...
Greg Rickard, Bethne Hart
wiley +1 more source
Transformation and time-out: the role of alcohol in identity construction among Scottish women in early midlife [PDF]
Despite the increase in drinking by women in early midlife, little alcohol research has focused on this group. We explore how alcohol is associated with the construction of gender identities among women aged 30 to 50 years in the west of Scotland, United
Amos+66 more
core +3 more sources
The role of early life experience and species differences in alcohol intake in microtine rodents. [PDF]
Social relationships have important effects on alcohol drinking. There are conflicting reports, however, about whether early-life family structure plays an important role in moderating alcohol use in humans. We have previously modeled social facilitation
Allison M J Anacker+3 more
doaj +1 more source
Peer-group and price influence students drinking along with planned behaviour [PDF]
This article is available open access through the publisher’s website at the link below. Copyright @ 2008 The Authors.Aims: To examine the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), as a framework for explaining binge drinking among young adults.
Armitage+27 more
core +1 more source
Background: Studies indicate older adults have increased risk for alcohol-related harms (e.g., risk for falls) that can manifest at lower levels of consumption than younger adults.
Tomorrow D. Wilson+2 more
3D Bioprinting of Thick Adipose Tissues with Integrated Vascular Hierarchies
An advanced 3D bioprinting technique is used here to create thick adipose tissues with a central, vessel and extensive branching. The construct is made using alginate, gelatin and collagen‐based bioinks. Flow through the complex vessel network is demonstrated as well as its successful integration with a femoral artery following implantation in a rat ...
Idit Goldfracht+5 more
wiley +1 more source
Effect of State Coalitions to Reduce Underage Drinking: A National Evaluation [PDF]
Summarizes an evaluation of how the RWJF-funded Reducing Underage Drinking Through Coalitions Project to reduce youth drinking changed media coverage of alcohol-related issues, state policy, youth drinking behaviors, and alcohol-related driving ...
Alexander Wagenaar, Deanna Lewis
Older and wiser? Men’s and women’s accounts of drinking in early mid-life [PDF]
Most qualitative research on alcohol focuses on younger rather than older adults. To explore older people’s relationship with alcohol, we conducted eight focus groups with 36 men and women aged 35 to 50 years in Scotland, UK.
Carstairs V.+5 more
core +1 more source
Introduction: This study investigates the influence of age at first use of alcohol on current alcohol use and associated behaviours in a large sample of Canadian youth.
Simone D. Holligan+4 more
doaj +1 more source
DexaPatch, an implantable, low‐swelling amphiphilic hydrogel system containing dexamethasone‐PLGA microparticles, is developed and characterized for sustained local steroid release to reduce postoperative inflammation in tight surgical spaces. DexaPatch significantly reduces postoperative edema and fibrosis in a rabbit model of anterior spinal surgery,
Stephen W. Linderman+6 more
wiley +1 more source