Aldrin [309-00-2] is used as an insecticide but is no longer approved in the European Union. The previous MAK value documentation and supplement do not reflect the current data situation of the substance.
Arand, Michael+2 more
core +3 more sources
Microbial Degradation of Aldrin and Dieldrin: Mechanisms and Biochemical Pathways
As members of the organochlorine group of insecticides, aldrin and dieldrin are effective at protecting agriculture from insect pests. However, because of excessive use and a long half-life, they have contributed to the major pollution of the water/soil ...
Shimei Pang+12 more
doaj +2 more sources
Water quality, human health risk, and pesticides accumulation in African catfish and Nile tilapia from the Kitchener Drain-Egypt. [PDF]
Pesticides are toxic and could negatively impact humans and the ecosystem. The Kitchener Drain is among the longest drains in Egypt and carries a wide range of wastewater from the agriculture sector, which contains pesticides and may pollute the ...
Metwally AA, Khalafallah MM, Dawood MAO.
europepmc +2 more sources
A Multi-Level Systems Biology Analysis of Aldrin's Metabolic Effects on Prostate Cancer Cells. [PDF]
Although numerous studies support a dose–effect relationship between Endocrine disruptors (EDs) and the progression and malignancy of tumors, the impact of a chronic exposure to non-lethal concentrations of EDs in cancer remains unknown.
Bedia C+4 more
europepmc +2 more sources
Occurrence and distribution of the cyclodiene-type organochlorine pesticides in soils of Vojvodina province, Serbia [PDF]
Aldrin, endrin and dieldrin are highly toxic and persistent cyclodiene-type organochlorine pesticides. Although these compounds have been banned over the last few decades in many countries, they can still be found in the environment, especially ...
Zeremski Tijana+5 more
doaj +5 more sources
Relação entre a freqüência de consumo de carne e pescado e os níveis de hexaclorobenzeno, lindano, aldrin e 4,4' - diclorodifenil - 1,1' dicloroetileno, em tecido adiposo de glândulas mamárias de mulheres espanholas [PDF]
Níveis de resíduos dos pesticidas organoclorados, hexaclorobenzeno (HCB), lindano gama-HCH), aldrin e 4,4'-diclorodifenil-1,1'dicloroetileno (p,p'-DDE) foram determinados em tecido adiposo mamário de mulheres residentes em Córdoba, Espanha.
Ijoni Costabeber+2 more
doaj +1 more source
Hysteresis and return point memory in the random field Blume Capel model [PDF]
We study the zero temperature steady state of the random field Blume Capel model with spin-flip Glauber dynamics on a random regular graph. The magnetization m as a function of the external field H is observed to have double hysteresis loops with a return point memory.
arxiv +1 more source
Foi realizado um experimento com objetivo de testar os efeitos de Aldrin (0,3% e 0,6%), Benlate (0,2% e 0,4%) e em combinações na germinação de sementes de Cardeiro (Scleronema micranthumDucke).
Mario Ney Nunes, Vania Palmeira Varela
doaj +1 more source
Bioassay of Aldrin and Lindane in Soil1
Uploaded by Plazi for TaxoDros. We do not have abstracts.
E. P. Lichtenstein+2 more
+7 more sources
Para correlacionar o quadro clínico com níveis séricos de aldrin e dieldrin, foram acompanhados 16 pacientes com intoxicação aguda por formulação de aldrin.
Wilson Andrade Carvalho+3 more
doaj +1 more source