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Achilles Tendon Rupture – The Essentials: A Bibliometric Study [PDF]
Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics, 2023Category: Sports; Hindfoot Introduction/Purpose: Achilles tendon rupture and management are among the most prevalent topics in the Foot and Ankle Literature. As the scientific literature increases across all fields of medicine, so too does the literature
Jacob F. Markel MD, Victor Anciano MD
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Anciano que cuida a anciano Elderly caring for elderly [PDF]
Gerokomos, 2007El envejecimiento es un proceso complejo, continuo, irreversible y dinámico al que la población portuguesa no es ajena. Con la longevidad, los ancianos son cada vez menos autónomos, más dependientes de cuidados de terceros, y estos cuidados aparecen ...
Maria João Costa Pacheco+4 more
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Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación, 2021
El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la percepción de la calidad de vida en personas adultas mayores (AM) de dos centros de atención a esta población.
Mario Alberto Villarreal Angeles+3 more
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El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la percepción de la calidad de vida en personas adultas mayores (AM) de dos centros de atención a esta población.
Mario Alberto Villarreal Angeles+3 more
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‘Human rights cities’ in Africa? Rights as resources for urban governance in the Global South
Journal of Law and Society, Volume 50, Issue 4, Page 538-557, December 2023., 2023Abstract This article considers the use of human rights law as a resource for urban governance by African cities, thereby supplementing the growing literature on ‘human rights cities’ that has thus far focused on the experiences of cities in the Global North.
wiley +1 more source
Avances en Enfermería, 1997
<p>The old age is been surrounded bymisteries, myths and prejuidices. The concepts and the valoration of the ancient man, have been contradictory.
Luna Torres Bertha
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<p>The old age is been surrounded bymisteries, myths and prejuidices. The concepts and the valoration of the ancient man, have been contradictory.
Luna Torres Bertha
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Poverty &Public Policy, Volume 15, Issue 3, Page 290-307, September 2023., 2023
Abstract Aging as a woman within the context of agricultural transformation where production and consumption values shape everyday life raises concerns of later life precarity. Gender economic inclusion is imperative in the achievement of inclusive rural development.
Teddy Nagaddya
wiley +1 more source
Abstract Aging as a woman within the context of agricultural transformation where production and consumption values shape everyday life raises concerns of later life precarity. Gender economic inclusion is imperative in the achievement of inclusive rural development.
Teddy Nagaddya
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International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Volume 47, Issue 4, Page 645-664, July 2023., 2023Abstract Environmental justice principles are widespread at national and global levels of transition discourse, but this is sometimes irrelevant to marginalized communities. To address this issue, we apply environmental justice theory to a participatory postcolonial urban case study where poverty, unemployment and inequality continue to incentivize ...
Matt Johnston, Dan Darkey, Hilde Ibsen
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Understanding accountability in practice: Obligations, scrutiny, and consequences
Development Policy Review, Volume 41, Issue S1, March 2023., 2023Summary Motivation Attempting to increase authorities' accountability for their actions has become a mainstay of development practice in recent decades. Yet commentators suggest that these efforts have reached an impasse, in part because of conceptual fuzziness regarding the core ideas of public accountability. Purpose This article explores what we can
Colin Anderson
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Journal of Clinical Nursing, Volume 32, Issue 5-6, Page 736-748, March 2023., 2023
Abstract Aims and objectives The objectives of this study were to assess the benefits of a caregiver training programme on the cognitive and functional status of older adults, and to compare the effects of this programme according to type of caregiver (professional vs. family caregiver).
Miriam Sanjuán+2 more
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Abstract Aims and objectives The objectives of this study were to assess the benefits of a caregiver training programme on the cognitive and functional status of older adults, and to compare the effects of this programme according to type of caregiver (professional vs. family caregiver).
Miriam Sanjuán+2 more
wiley +1 more source