Results 1 to 10 of about 55,418 (315)

A comparison of epidural anesthesia and lumbar plexus-sciatic nerve blocks for knee surgery [PDF]

open access: yesClinics, 2010
OBJECTIVES: The efficacy of combined lumbar plexus-sciatic nerve blocks was compared to epidural anesthesia in patients undergoing total knee surgery. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study included 80 American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Physical Status
Eyup Horasanli   +5 more
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Conversion Rate of Epidural Analgesia to Caesarean Section Regional or General Anesthesia [PDF]

open access: yesActa Clinica Croatica, 2022
Introduction: Epidural analgesia is acknowledged as the most common method of analgesia during labor. If emergent Caesarean section (CS) is indicated in parturient with existing labor epidural, the need for conversion from epidural analgesia to ...
Ivan Šklebar   +4 more
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Comparison of Safety and Efficacy of Anesthesia Methods in Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy: A Network Meta-Analysis [PDF]

open access: yesPain Research and Management
Conclusion: Local anesthesia, general anesthesia, and epidural anesthesia are all safe and effective methods for PELD. Local anesthesia has advantages in complications and operation time.
Bin Zheng   +3 more
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Spinal epidural hematoma related to an epidural catheter in a cardiac surgery patient -A case report- [PDF]

open access: yesKorean Journal of Anesthesiology, 2011
The addition of thoracic epidural anesthesia to general anesthesia during cardiac surgery may have a beneficial effect on clinical outcome. However, epidural catheter insertion in a patient anticoagulated with heparin may increase the risk of epidural ...
Jiyoun Bang   +7 more
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A successful combined spinal-epidural anesthesia for cesarean section in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1-associated dural ectasia [PDF]

open access: yesJA Clinical Reports
Background Dural ectasia is a common manifestation of neurofibromatosis type 1. Although there have been reports of unsuccessful spinal anesthesia due to dual ectasia in Marfan syndrome, reports describing similar unsuccessful spinal anesthesia in ...
Hitomi Taka   +4 more
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Comparison of spinal versus caudal epidural anesthesia in the management of patients undergoing ambulatory perianal surgery: Randomized, prospective study [PDF]

open access: yesĶazaķstannyṇ Klinikalyķ Medicinasy, 2021
Objective: To compare levobupivacaine based caudal epidural anesthesia and spinal anesthesia in terms of Intraoperative hemodynamic changes and postoperative pain and patient comfort in subjects undergoing perianal surgery in outpatient setting. Material
Cigdem Bozkurt   +4 more
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Comparison of accuracy between augmented reality/mixed reality techniques and conventional techniques for epidural anesthesia using a practice phantom model kit

open access: yesBMC Anesthesiology, 2023
Background This study used an epidural anesthesia practice kit (model) to evaluate the accuracy of epidural anesthesia using standard techniques (blind) and augmented/mixed reality technology and whether visualization using augmented/mixed reality ...
Tatsuya Hayasaka   +6 more
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Thoracic epidural anesthesia and epidural hematoma [PDF]

open access: yesActa Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 2002
This report involves a 74‐year‐old‐male who developed a thoracic epidural hematoma with paraparesis on the second postoperative day in conjunction with thoracic epidural anesthesia established before surgery for acute abdominal aortic dissection.The finding indicates that laminectomy can be performed successfully as late as three days after diagnosis ...
Persson, J   +2 more
openaire   +4 more sources

Epidural anesthesia for permanent spinal cord stimulation with a cylindrical type lead: a case series [PDF]

open access: yesKorean Journal of Anesthesiology, 2015
Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) in trials involving external stimulation are easily conducted under local anesthesia. However, implantation of a permanent SCS system is painful, and can be intolerable in some patients.
Sang Eun Lee   +7 more
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Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Anesthesia Model Incorporating psi-Caputo Fractional Derivatives [PDF]

open access: yesComputers in Biology and Medicine 167 (2023), Art. 107679, 9 pp, 2023
We present a novel Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) model for the induction phase of anesthesia, incorporating the $\psi$-Caputo fractional derivative. By employing the Picard iterative process, we derive a solution for a nonhomogeneous $\psi$-Caputo fractional system to characterize the dynamical behavior of the drugs distribution within a ...
arxiv   +1 more source

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