Results 1 to 10 of about 1,650,895 (216)

Obesity Does Not Interfere with the Cholesterol-Lowering Effect of Plant Stanol Ester Consumption (as Part of a Heart-Healthy Diet) [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease, 2021
Dietary modifications including plant stanol ester consumption are recommended measures to control serum and low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol concentrations, but obesity can affect their responses.
Piia Simonen, Elisa Arte, Helena Gylling
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Abstracts. English Information [PDF]

open access: yesCon A de Animación, 2012
Animación Arte E Industria, G. (2012). Abstracts. English Information. Con A de Animación. (2):163-172.
Grupo Animación Arte e Industria
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Characterization and Polyphasic Identification of Novel Rhizobacteria Strain Isolated from Sand Dunes Ecosystem [PDF]

open access: yesBiotropia: The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology, 2022
The coastal sand dune ecosystem at the Parangtritis Coast of Yogyakarta, Indonesia has unique characteristics such as low moisture sandy soil, high salinity and low nutrient content.
Ketut Arte Widane   +2 more
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La scuola che cambia con la pandemia

open access: yesIUL Research, 2022
La pandemia ha travolto il tradizionale modo di fare scuola. Insegnanti e studenti si sono trovati chiusi in casa a comunicare tramite un computer. Improvvisamente, i modi ordinari di insegnare e apprendere non sono stati più possibili, anche se alcuni ...
Ludovico Arte
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Moderating influence of product diversification on the international diversification-performance relationship : A meta-analysis [PDF]

open access: yes, 2021
Numerous studies have examined the impact of international diversification on firm performance. However, the literature is characterised by inconsistent findings, suggesting the need for a quantitative review and synthesis of the hypothesised ...
Arte, Pratik, Larimo, Jorma
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Fe de erratas [PDF]

open access: yesArte, Individuo y Sociedad, 2012
Revista Arte Individuo y Sociedad
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English information [PDF]

open access: yes, 2014
Datos en inglés de los artículos incluidos en el Número 8(2017) de la Revista Con A de animaciónAnimación Arte E Industria, G. (2018). English information. Con A de animación. 0(8):204-208.
Animación Arte e Industria, Grupo
core   +5 more sources

Artes entre artes

open access: yesFonseca, Journal of Communication, 2021
GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Fernando, CUNHA,Paulo y ROSÁRIO, Filipa (coords.), Procesos intermediales. Cine, literatura, espacio, Sial Pigmalión. Madrid, 2020, 295 pp.
openaire   +4 more sources

Art and Money [PDF]

open access: yesSSRN Electronic Journal, 2010
This paper investigates the impact of equity markets and top incomes on art prices. Using a newly constructed art market index, we demonstrate that equity market returns have had a significant impact on the price level in the art market over the last two centuries.
Christophe Spaenjers   +3 more
openaire   +13 more sources

But is it art? [PDF]

open access: yesCurrent Biology, 1999
It was in an evening class for painting that developmental biologist Enrico Coen began to think about the parallels between the genetic control of development and an artist's design of a picture. When Coen's teacher found him staring at a blank piece of canvas, Coen complained that he had no idea how to start.
openaire   +3 more sources

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