“The bandages signify death,” says Derrida, “the condemnation to death; when they fall away, out of use, undone, untied, untying, they signify, like a detached signifier, that the dead one is resuscitated." Like a detached signifier, indicating a ...
Kelly Oliver
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Effectiveness of functional or biomechanical bandages with athletic taping and kinesiotaping in subjects with chronic ankle instability: a systematic review and meta-analysis [PDF]
EFORT Open ReviewsPurpose: The aim of the study was to analyze the effects of functional or biomechanical bandages, whether elastic or inelastic, in Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI).
Gema Chamorro-Moriana+2 more
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To the Editor: —InThe Journal, March 27, page 1033, Dr. Morley describes "An Eye Bandage and Its Method of Application." This bandage has all the good qualities claimed for it, as a number of years' experience has convinced me. But it is only fair to state that it was invented many years ago by the late Dr.
Harry Friedenwald
openalex +4 more sources
A tissue bandage for pelvic ganglia injury [PDF]
Nature CommunicationsNeurogenic bladder often occurs after pelvic ganglia injury. Its symptoms, like severe urinary retention and incontinence, have a significant impact on individuals’ quality of life. Unfortunately, there are currently no effective treatments available for
Jing He+12 more
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Silicone Shoes for the Treatment of Foot Pad Dermatitis (Bumblefoot) in Pet Chickens—A Retrospective Case Series [PDF]
AnimalsBackyard chickens often suffer from foot pad dermatitis (FPD), a condition exacerbated by poor husbandry, nutritional deficiencies, and obesity. Pressure-relieving bandages, commonly used in the treatment of FPD, are impractical for outdoor chickens as ...
Cornelia Konicek+2 more
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Efficacy of Transparent vs. Pressure Dressing in Prevention of Post-Cardiac Catheterization Pain, Discomfort and Hematoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of RCTs [PDF]
Journal of Caring Sciences, 2021Introduction: There is lack consensus on superiority of transparent vs. pressure dressing for prevention of post-cardiac catheterization pain, discomfort and hematoma.
Suresh K Sharma+3 more
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A Comparison between the Results of Dry Dressing with Oxygen Therapy vs Wet Dressing on Face Burn Wound Healing [PDF]
مجله علوم پزشکی صدرا, 2021Introduction: Face burn has several psychosomatic effects on patients. Good management leads to a decrease in adverse effects and consequently leads to quick and effective healing.
Mehdi Ayaz, Mehdi Mojarab
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Literature Review: The Effectiveness First Aid Pressure Immobilization Bandages Technique of Snake Bite [PDF]
, 2021Backgrounds: Snake bites are a medical emergency that can cause permanent disability and even death (Wintoko and Prameswari 2020). The main principle recommended for the first treatment of a snakebite is to immobilize the area with a pressure bandage ...
Kamaluddin, Ridlwan, Nopita, Dian
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