Results 1 to 10 of about 1,266,186 (264)
Aligning Metabolic Pathways Exploiting Binary Relation of Reactions. [PDF]
Metabolic pathway alignment has been widely used to find one-to-one and/or one-to-many reaction mappings to identify the alternative pathways that have similar functions through different sets of reactions, which has important applications in ...
Yiran Huang+3 more
doaj +2 more sources
Compact Binary Relation Representations with Rich Functionality [PDF]
Binary relations are an important abstraction arising in many data representation problems. The data structures proposed so far to represent them support just a few basic operations required to fit one particular application. We identify many of those operations arising in applications and generalize them into a wide set of desirable queries for a ...
Barbay, Jérémy+2 more
arxiv +5 more sources
Decision Analysis via Granulation Based on General Binary Relation [PDF]
Decision theory considers how best to make decisions in the light of uncertainty about data. There are several methodologies that may be used to determine the best decision.
M. M. E. Abd El-Monsef, N. M. Kilany
doaj +2 more sources
$\mathcal F$-hypercyclic and disjoint $\mathcal F$-hypercyclic properties of binary relations over topological spaces [PDF]
We examine various types of $\mathcal F$-hypercyclic ($\mathcal F$-topologically transitive) and disjoint $\mathcal F$-hypercyclic (disjoint $\mathcal F$-topologically transitive) properties of binary relations over topological spaces.
Marko Kostić
doaj +1 more source
Fixed point results via altering distance functions in relational fuzzy metric spaces with application [PDF]
Some fixed point theorems are developed in fuzzy metric spaces using an altering distance function under binary relationship. We ensure the existence and uniqueness of the solution to ordinary differential equation using our results.
Bartwal Ayush, Dimri R. C., Rawat Shivam
doaj +1 more source
Remarks on “Perov Fixed-Point Results on F-Contraction Mappings Equipped with Binary Relation”
Since 1964, when I.A. Perov introduced the so-called generalized metric space where d(x,y) is an element of the vector space Rm, many researchers have considered various contractive conditions in this type of space.
Slobodanka Mitrović+3 more
doaj +1 more source
Relative Expressive Power of Navigational Querying on Graphs [PDF]
Motivated by both established and new applications, we study navigational query languages for graphs (binary relations). The simplest language has only the two operators union and composition, together with the identity relation.
Bussche Dirk+8 more
core +10 more sources
A Relation-Theoretic Formulation of Browder–Göhde Fixed Point Theorem
In this paper, we introduce the concept of R-nonexpansive self-mappings defined on a suitable subset K of a Banach space, wherein R stands for a transitive binary relation on K, and utilize the same to prove a relation-theoretic variant of classical ...
Aftab Alam+3 more
doaj +1 more source
When in a tight binary, the mutual tidal deformations of neutron stars imprint onto observables, encoding information about their internal structure at supranuclear densities and gravity in the extreme-gravity regime. Gravitational wave observations of their late binary inspiral may serve as a tool to extract the individual tidal deformabilities, but ...
Nicolás Yunes, Kent Yagi, Kent Yagi
openaire +4 more sources
Groups of Binary Operations and Binary $G$-Spaces [PDF]
The group of continuous binary operations on a topological space is studied; its relationship with the group of homeomorphisms is established. The category of binary $G$-spaces and bi-equivariant maps is constructed, which is a natural extension of the category of $G$-spaces and equivariant maps.
arxiv +1 more source