Results 1 to 10 of about 835,978 (297)

Enhancing Islanded Power Systems: Microgrid Modeling and Evaluating System Benefits of Ocean Renewable Energy Integration

open access: yesEnergies, 2023
The energy transition hinges on the effective integration of renewable energy sources into the power grid. Islands can provide invaluable insights into the challenges and opportunities of integrating variable renewable energy into the grid due to their ...
Miguel Vicente   +4 more
doaj   +1 more source

A Decision Support Tool for Long-Term Planning of Marine Operations in Ocean Energy Projects

open access: yesJournal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021
Ocean energy is a relevant source of clean renewable energy, and as it is still facing challenges related to its above grid-parity costs, tariffs intended to support in a structured and coherent way are of great relevance and potential impact.
Francisco X. Correia da Fonseca   +2 more
doaj   +1 more source

Green Synthesized Calcium Oxide Nanoparticles (CaO NPs) Using Leaves Aqueous Extract of Moringa oleifera and Evaluation of Their Antibacterial Activities

open access: yesJournal of nanomaterials, 2022
Calcium oxide nanoparticles (CaO NPs) have unique catalytic and biological properties; their activities are highly influenced by their morphology; as a result, these characteristics are most needed for various applications in several fields, including ...
V. Jadhav   +9 more
semanticscholar   +1 more source

Ni Promoted Fe-Cao Dual Functional Materials for Calcium Chemical Dual Looping

open access: yesSocial Science Research Network, 2022
7 Reverse water-gas shift reaction using renewable H 2 is a promising route for CO 2 8 upgrade, however, it is restricted by the equilibrium. The chemical looping reverse 9 water-gas shift reaction using oxygen carriers (i.e.
Shuzhuang Sun, Su He, Chunfei Wu
semanticscholar   +1 more source

Nefropatia aguda e Dioctophyma renale em cão da cidade de Florianópolis, SC

open access: yesPubvet, 2021
O presente relato clínico trata do diagóstico e nefrectomia de cão macho, sem raça definida, que apresentava ferimentos em decorrência de mordeduras por outro cão.
Jamir Monteiro   +6 more
doaj   +1 more source

Reparação da traquéia de cã o com segmaneto muscular homólogo de diafragma conservado em glicerina a 98% [PDF]

open access: yesCiência Rural, 2000
A viabilidade de segmento muscular de diafragma homólogo conservado em solução de glicerina a 98% foi estudada na reparação da traquéia cervical de cães. Foram utilizados 18 cães, adultos, oito machos, sem raça definida com peso variando de 6 a 21kg. Cinco anéis traqueais (2,0 x 4,5cm) foram removidos parcialmente para implantação de segmento muscular ...
Mazzanti, Alexandre   +8 more
openaire   +3 more sources

Synthesis of Al/starch co-doped in CaO nanoparticles for enhanced catalytic and antimicrobial activities: experimental and DFT approaches

open access: yesRSC Advances, 2022
In this work, aluminum/starch (St)-doped CaO nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized by a co-precipitation method to degrade harmful dyes in various pH media.
M. Ikram   +10 more
semanticscholar   +1 more source

Economic Viability of Implementing Structural Health Monitoring Systems on the Support Structures of Bottom-Fixed Offshore Wind

open access: yesEnergies, 2023
Offshore wind (OSW) energy is a renewable source with strong prospects of development that may decisively contribute towards energy independence. Offshore wind is, however, not yet ubiquitously cost competitive, and frequently requires support schemes to
Mario Vieira   +4 more
doaj   +1 more source

Legal and Political Barriers and Enablers to the Deployment of Marine Renewable Energy

open access: yesEnergies, 2021
Ocean energy is a promising source of clean renewable energy, with clear development targets set by the European Commission. However, the ocean energy sector faces non-technological challenges and opportunities that are frequently overlooked in ...
Maria Apolonia   +4 more
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Efeitos da presença do cão na expressão de conteúdos psíquicos de um sujeito que gagueja: estudo de caso

open access: yesCoDAS, 2021
RESUMO A gagueira gera impactos negativos na qualidade de vida dos sujeitos e está associada a maior risco de desenvolvimento de problemas sociais e psíquicos.
Tatiane Ichitani   +5 more
doaj   +2 more sources

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