Results 1 to 10 of about 36,525 (249)
Deep Learning Models for Calculation of Cardiothoracic Ratio from Chest Radiographs for Assisted Diagnosis of Cardiomegaly [PDF]
We propose an automated method based on deep learning to compute the cardiothoracic ratio and detect the presence of cardiomegaly from chest radiographs. We develop two separate models to demarcate the heart and chest regions in an X-ray image using bounding boxes and use their outputs to calculate the cardiothoracic ratio. We obtain a sensitivity of 0.
Tanveer Gupte+5 more
arxiv +5 more sources
Cardiomegaly Detection using Deep Convolutional Neural Network with U-Net [PDF]
Cardiomegaly is indeed a medical disease in which the heart is enlarged. Cardiomegaly is better to handle if caught early, so early detection is critical. The chest X-ray, being one of the most often used radiography examinations, has been used to detect and visualize abnormalities of human organs for decades.
Soham S. Sarpotdar
arxiv +3 more sources
Chest X-Ray Image Analysis With Combining 2D and 1D Convolutional Neural Network Based Classifier for Rapid Cardiomegaly Screening [PDF]
Cardiomegaly is an asymptomatic disease. Symptoms, such as palpitations, chest tightness, and shortness of breath, may be the early indications of cardiac hypertrophy, which can be divided into cardiac hypertrophy and ventricular enlargement.
Jian‐Xing Wu+5 more
openalex +2 more sources
Familial Idiopathic Cardiomegaly [PDF]
Two young adult sisters are described with clinical and pathologic findings of myocardial disease. These cases along with a suggestive family history are presented as examples of familial idiopathic cardiomegaly. Pathologic findings are compared and contrasted with those in the literature, and etiologic concepts are discussed.
Wayne H. Schrader+3 more
openalex +4 more sources
An infant with Down’s syndrome was noted to have hypoxemia and tachypnea at birth. The clinical examination, electrocardiogram (ECG) and the chest X-ray findings suggested a specific diagnosis that is not usually associated with Down’s syndrome. Despite the extremely rare association of Ebstein’s anomaly with Down’s syndrome, this diagnosis was highly ...
Shailendra Upadhyay+2 more
openalex +4 more sources
Longitudinal detection of radiological abnormalities with time-modulated LSTM [PDF]
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been successfully employed in recent years for the detection of radiological abnormalities in medical images such as plain x-rays.
A Esteva+3 more
core +2 more sources
A Case of Glycogenic Cardiomegaly in a Dog [PDF]
A description is given of the macroscopic and microicopic picture of a rare entity of glycogenic cardiomegaly in a dog. Clinically it was diagnosed as a combination of tonsillitis, oesophageal dilatation and myocarditis. The characteristic symptoms were increasing difficulty in swallowing, sporadic vomiting, copious amount of mucus in the pharynx ...
Islam Mostafa
openalex +4 more sources
Thymolipoma Simulating Cardiomegaly
A thymolipoma in an 8-year-old boy is reported. The tumour had appeared on a routine chest X-ray as a broadened heart shadow and a peculiar right heart contour. Cardiac hypertrophy was suspected primarily. At thoracotomy a thymic tumour was found.
Christer Sundström
openalex +5 more sources