Cluster PEACE observations of electrons of spacecraft origin [PDF]
Annales Geophysicae, 2001The two PEACE (Plasma Electron And Current Experiment) sensors on board each Cluster spacecraft sample the electron velocity distribution across the full 4<pi> solid angle and the energy range 0.7 eV to 26 keV with a time resolution of 4 s ...
S. Szita+9 more
doaj +9 more sources
Spacecraft potential control aboard Equator-S as a test for Cluster-II [PDF]
Annales Geophysicae, 1999The payload of Equator-S was complemented by the potential control device (PCD) to stabilise the electric potential of the spacecraft with respect to the ambient plasma. Low potentials are essential for accurate measurements of the thermal plasma. The
K. Torkar+12 more
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The Double Star Plasma Electron and Current Experiment [PDF]
Annales Geophysicae, 2005The Double Star Project is a collaboration between Chinese and European space agencies, in which two Chinese magnetospheric research spacecraft, carrying Chinese and European instruments, have been launched into equatorial (on 29 December 2003) and ...
A. N. Fazakerley+21 more
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Data-driven Uncertainty Quantification of the Wave Telescope Technique: General Equations and Demonstration Using HelioSwarm [PDF]
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2023The upcoming NASA mission HelioSwarm will use nine spacecraft to make the first simultaneous multipoint measurements of space plasmas spanning multiple scales.
T. Broeren, K. G. Klein
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Polar and Cluster observations of a dayside inverted-V during conjunction [PDF]
Annales Geophysicae, 2007We investigate particle and fields data during a conjunction of the Polar and Cluster spacecraft. This conjunction occurs near the dayside cusp boundary layer when a dayside inverted-V was observed in the particle data of both satellites.
J. D. Menietti+4 more
doaj +5 more sources
Cluster Multi-spacecraft Determination of AKR Angular Beaming [PDF]
, 2008Simultaneous observations of AKR emission using the four-spacecraft Cluster array were used to make the first direct measurements of the angular beaming patterns of individual bursts. By comparing the spacecraft locations and AKR burst locations, the angular beaming pattern was found to be narrowly confined to a plane containing the magnetic field ...
Burinskaya+27 more
arxiv +4 more sources
Artificial spacecraft in hybrid simulations of the quasi-parallel Earth's bow shock: analysis of time series versus spatial profiles and a separation strategy for Cluster [PDF]
Annales Geophysicae, 1994We construct artificial "software" spacecraft consisting of magnetometers and 3D thermal and energetic ion detectors. Four such spacecraft are "flown" through a 1D simulation of a quasi-parallel shock. We analyze the resulting time
J. Giacalone, S. J. Schwartz, D. Burgess
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Coordinated interhemispheric SuperDARN radar observations of the ionospheric response to flux transfer events observed by the Cluster spacecraft at the high-latitude magnetopause [PDF]
Annales Geophysicae, 2003At 10:00 UT on 14 February 2001, the quartet of ESA Cluster spacecraft were approaching the Northern Hemisphere high-latitude magnetopause in the post-noon sector on an outbound trajectory. At this time, the interplanetary magnetic field incident
J. A. Wild+16 more
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First simultaneous observations of flux transfer events at the high-latitude magnetopause by the Cluster spacecraft and pulsed radar signatures in the conjugate ionosphere by the CUTLASS and EISCAT radars [PDF]
, 2001Cluster magnetic field data are studied during an outbound pass through the post-noon high-latitude magnetopause region on 14 February 2001. The onset of several minute perturbations in the magnetospheric field was observed in conjunction with a ...
J. A. Wild+11 more
openalex +7 more sources
Correlation functions of small-scale fluctuations of the interplanetary magnetic field [PDF]
, 2010The Interplanetary Magnetic Field shows complex spatial and temporal variations. Single spacecraft measurements reveal only a one dimensional section of this rich four dimensional phenomenon. Multi-point measurements of the four Cluster spacecraft provide a unique tool to study the spatiotemporal structure of the field. Using Cluster data we determined
A. Balogh+18 more
arxiv +3 more sources