Results 1 to 10 of about 79,225 (113)

Maximal green sequences for arbitrary triangulations of marked surfaces (Extended Abstract) [PDF]

open access: yesDiscrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 2020
In general, the existence of a maximal green sequence is not mutation invariant. In this paper we show that it is in fact mutation invariant for cluster quivers associated to most marked surfaces.
Matthew R. Mills
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A noncommutative geometric LR rule [PDF]

open access: yesDiscrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 2020
The geometric Littlewood-Richardson (LR) rule is a combinatorial algorithm for computing LR coefficients derived from degenerating the Richardson variety into a union of Schubert varieties in the Grassmannian.
Edward Richmond   +2 more
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Relaxations of the matroid axioms I: Independence, Exchange and Circuits [PDF]

open access: yesDiscrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 2020
Motivated by a question of Duval and Reiner about higher Laplacians of simplicial complexes, we describe various relaxations of the defining axioms of matroid theory to obtain larger classes of simplicial complexes that contain pure shifted simplicial ...
Jose ́ Alejandro Samper
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Rational Shi tableaux and the skew length statistic [PDF]

open access: yesDiscrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 2020
We define two refinements of the skew length statistic on simultaneous core partitions. The first one relies on hook lengths and is used to prove a refined version of the theorem stating that the skew length is invariant under conjugation of the core ...
Robin Sulzgruber
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Rectangular Young tableaux and the Jacobi ensemble [PDF]

open access: yesDiscrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 2020
It has been shown by Pittel and Romik that the random surface associated with a large rectangular Youngtableau converges to a deterministic limit. We study the fluctuations from this limit along the edges of the rectangle.We show that in the corner ...
Philippe Marchal
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Staircase diagrams and the enumeration of smooth Schubert varieties [PDF]

open access: yesDiscrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 2020
In this extended abstract, we give a complete description and enumeration of smooth and rationally smooth Schubert varieties in finite type. In particular, we show that rationally smooth Schubert varieties are in bijection with a new combinatorial data ...
Edward Richmond, William Slofstra
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Compatibility fans realizing graphical nested complexes [PDF]

open access: yesDiscrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 2020
Graph associahedra are polytopes realizing the nested complex N(G) on connected subgraphs of a graph G.While all known explicit constructions produce polytopes with the same normal fan, the great variety of fan realizationsof classical associahedra and ...
Thibault Manneville, Vincent Pilaud
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Asymptotics of lattice walks via analytic combinatorics in several variables [PDF]

open access: yesDiscrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 2020
We consider the enumeration of walks on the two-dimensional non-negative integer lattice with steps defined by a finite set S ⊆ {±1, 0}2 . Up to isomorphism there are 79 unique two-dimensional models to consider, and previous work in this area has used ...
Stephen Melczer, Mark C. Wilson
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Some results on counting roots of polynomials and the Sylvester resultant. [PDF]

open access: yesDiscrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 2020
We present two results, the first on the distribution of the roots of a polynomial over the ring of integers modulo n and the second on the distribution of the roots of the Sylvester resultant of two multivariate polynomials.
Michael Monagan, Baris Tuncer
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Almost simplicial polytopes: the lower and upper bound theorems [PDF]

open access: yesDiscrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 2020
this is an extended abstract of the full version. We study n-vertex d-dimensional polytopes with at most one nonsimplex facet with, say, d + s vertices, called almost simplicial polytopes.
Eran Nevo   +3 more
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