Results 1 to 10 of about 3,320,179 (205)
AS-921-21 Resolution on Creation of New Department for Computer Engineering [PDF]
The Academic Senate approves the creation of a new College of Engineering department, the Computer Engineering ...
Computer Engineering Program,
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Computational Rational Engineering and Development: Synergies and Opportunities [PDF]
Research and development in computer technology and computational methods have resulted in a wide variety of valuable tools for Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) and Industrial Engineering. However, despite the exponential increase in computational capabilities and Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods, many of the visionary perspectives on cybernetic ...
arxiv +1 more source
Measuring Security: A Challenge for the Generation [PDF]
This paper presents an approach to measuring computer security understood as a system property, in the category of similar properties, such as safety, reliability, dependability, resilience, etc.
Drager, Steven+3 more
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School of Engineering and Computer Science
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Towards Digital Engineering -- The Advent of Digital Systems Engineering [PDF]
Digital Engineering, the digital transformation of engineering to leverage digital technologies, is coming globally. This paper explores digital systems engineering, which aims at developing theory, methods, models, and tools to support the emerging digital engineering.
arxiv +1 more source
Hanaa Elsherbiny, Mohamed Kamal Ahmed, Mahmoud A. Elwany "Comparative Evaluation for Torque Control Strategies of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Electric Vehicles", 65(3), pp. 244–261, 2021.
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Periodica Polytechnica
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In this issue: New Engineering professor, Okechukwu ‘Okey’ Ugweje Business Minor S-STEM Grant, National Science Foundation Embedded Systems course Engineering Explorations course SHU Innovate club Formula SAE Go-Kart Road Kill Recent faculty ...
School of Computer Science & Engineering,
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The Framework For The Discipline Of Software Engineering in Connection to Information Technology Discipline [PDF]
This paper represents preliminary work in identifying the foundation for the discipline of Software Engineering and discovering the links between the domains of Software Engineering and Information Technology (IT). Our research utilized IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (IEEE-TSE), ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (ACM ...
In this issue: First graduating cohort in Computer Engineering • SHU Drone project with Prof.
School of Computer Science & Engineering,
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Artificial Intelligence Impact On The Labour Force -- Searching For The Analytical Skills Of The Future Software Engineers [PDF]
This systematic literature review aims to investigate the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the labour force in software engineering, with a particular focus on the skills needed for future software engineers, the impact of AI on the demand for software engineering skills, and the future of work for software engineers.