Results 1 to 10 of about 3,580,187 (392)
Modified Multhopp mean camber computer program [PDF]
Computer program which determines the mean camber surface required to support a given set of loadings on a composite wing in subsonic compressible flow has been ...
Lamar, J. E.
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Introduction. A significant percentage of intra- and postoperative complications requires the search for the new approaches to making a decision on the appropriateness and choice of methods for atypical removal of the lower third molars, namely, the ...
Vares Y., Kyyak S.
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Computer program draws three-dimensional surfaces [PDF]
Computer plotting program PLOT 3D draws views of surface forms z = f(x,y). Surface thus defined by program may be drawn after arbitrary rotations. Program portrays behavior of various functions involving two variables in many engineering, physics, and ...
Canright, R. B., Jr., Swigert, P.
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Programming and symbolic computation in Maude
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming ...
Durán, Francisco+6 more
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Numerical Program for Computing $Φ^3$ Amplitudes [PDF]
A computing program in Matlab is given that computes amplitudes in scalar $\phi^3$ theory. The program is partitioned into several parts and a simple guide is given for its use.
Optical design computer program: LENS II [PDF]
Differential-correction program evaluates optical lens ...
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Development of a single cell spherical shell model for an investigation of electrical properties with a computing program [PDF]
A spherical double shell model (SDM) for a single cell has been developed, using Laplace’s equation in spherical coordinates and boundary conditions. Electric field intensities and dielectric constants of each region inside and outside of the cell have ...
Boonlamp, M., Bunthawin, S.
Provisions on copyright protection of computer programs and data bases in Russian Federation are within international regulations’ influence zone.
Marcin Jan Stępień
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A FORTRAN 4 computer program provides convenient simulation of an all-digital phase-lock loop (DPLL). The DPLL forms the heart of the Omega navigation receiver prototype. Through the DPLL, the phase of the 10.2 KHz Omega signal is estimated when the true
Palkovic, R. A.
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Computer program to generate attitude error equations for a gimballed platform [PDF]
Computer program for solving attitude error equations related to gimballed platform is described. Program generates matrix elements of attitude error equations when initial matrices and trigonometric identities have been defined.
Hall, W. A., Jr.+2 more
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