Results 1 to 10 of about 379,655 (295)
On the Design of Cryptographic Primitives [PDF]
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. Volume 93, Numbers 1-3, pp. 279-297. Sept 2006. Springer., 2010The main objective of this work is twofold. On the one hand, it gives a brief overview of the area of two-party cryptographic protocols. On the other hand, it proposes new schemes and guidelines for improving the practice of robust protocol design.
Amparo Fúster-Sabater+10 more
core +8 more sources
Enhanced Matrix Power Function for Cryptographic Primitive Construction [PDF]
Symmetry, 2018A new enhanced matrix power function (MPF) is presented for the construction of cryptographic primitives. According to the definition in previously published papers, an MPF is an action of two matrices powering some base matrix on the left and right. The
Eligijus Sakalauskas
doaj +3 more sources
A language-dependent cryptographic primitive [PDF]
Journal of Cryptology, 1997In this paper we provide a new cryptographic primitive that generalizes several existing zero-knowledge proofs and show that if a languageL induces the primitive, then there exists a perfect zero-knowledge proof forL. In addition, we present several kinds of languages inducing the primitive, some of which are not known to have a perfect zero-knowledge ...
Toshiya Itoh, Yuji Ohta, Hiroki Shizuya
semanticscholar +4 more sources
Post-Quantum Cryptographic Hardware Primitives [PDF]
arXiv, 2019The development and implementation of post-quantum cryptosystems have become a pressing issue in the design of secure computing systems, as general quantum computers have become more feasible in the last two years. In this work, we introduce a set of hardware post-quantum cryptographic primitives (PCPs) consisting of four frequently used security ...
Lake Bu+3 more
arxiv +5 more sources
A cryptographic primitive based on hidden-order groups [PDF]
Journal of Mathematical Cryptology, 2009Let G1 be a cyclic multiplicative group of order n. It is known that the computational Diffie–Hellman (CDH) problem is random self-reducible in G1 if φ(n) is known.
Saxena Amitabh, Soh Ben
doaj +4 more sources
Verification of a Cryptographic Primitive [PDF]
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 2015This article presents a full formal machine-checked verification of a C program: the OpenSSL implementation of SHA-256. This is an interactive proof of functional correctness in the Coq proof assistant, using the Verifiable C program logic. Verifiable C is a separation logic for the C language, proved sound with respect to the operational semantics for
Andrew W. Appel
semanticscholar +4 more sources
On the Use of GF-Inversion as a Cryptographic Primitive [PDF]
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2004Inversion in Galois Fields is a famous primitive permutation for designing cryptographic algorithms e.g. for Rijndael because it has suitable differential and linear properties. Inputs and outputs are usually transformed by addition (e.g. XOR) to key bits. We call this construction the APA (Add-Permute-Add) scheme.
Kazumaro Aoki, Serge Vaudenay
semanticscholar +5 more sources
A Novel Design of Cryptographic SP-Network Based on Gold Sequences and Chaotic Logistic Tent System
IEEE Access, 2019Substitution permutation network (SP-network) is a chain of linked mathematical primitives used in block cipher algorithms. The proposed novel design of cryptographic SP-network consists of three cryptographic primitives: substitution box, permutation ...
Muhammad Fahad Khan, Khalid Saleem
exaly +4 more sources
Multipurpose Cryptographic Primitive ARMADILLO3 [PDF]
Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference, 2013This paper describes a new design of the multipurpose cryptographic primitive ARMADILLO3 and analyses its security. The ARMADILLO3 family is oriented on small hardware such as smart cards and RFID chips. The original design ARMADILLO and its variants were analyzed by Sepehrdad et al.
Susil Petr, Vaudenay Serge
openaire +5 more sources
Cryptographic primitives in blockchains
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2018Abstract Blockchain, as one of the crypto-intensive creatures, has become a very hot topic recently. Although many surveys have recently been dedicated to the security and privacy issues of blockchains, there still lacks a systematic examination on the cryptographic primitives in blockchains.
Licheng Wang+4 more
openalex +3 more sources