Dark sector unifications: Dark matter-phantom energy, dark matter - constant w dark energy, dark matter-dark energy-dark matter [PDF]
The paper brings a novel approach to unification of dark matter and dark energy in terms of a cosmic fluid. A model is introduced in which the cosmic fluid speed of sound squared is defined as a function of its equation of state (EoS) parameter.
Dalibor Perković, Hrvoje Štefančić
doaj +2 more sources
Information Dark Energy Can Resolve the Hubble Tension and Is Falsifiable by Experiment [PDF]
We consider the role information energy can play as a source of dark energy. Firstly, we note that if stars and structure had not formed in the universe, elemental bits of information describing the attributes of particles would have exhibited properties
Michael Paul Gough
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Evidence for Dark Energy Driven by Star Formation: Information Dark Energy? [PDF]
Evidence is presented for dark energy resulting directly from star formation. A survey of stellar mass density measurements, SMD(a), as a function of universe scale size a, was found to be described by a simple CPL w0 − wa parameterisation that was in ...
Michael Paul Gough
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Spherical collapse model in agegraphic dark energy cosmologies [PDF]
Under the commonly used spherical collapse model, we study how dark energy affects the growth of large scale structures of the Universe in the context of agegraphic dark energy models. The dynamics of the spherical collapse of dark matter halos in nonlinear regimes is determined by the properties of the dark energy model.
Bauer, Jonathan T.+3 more
arxiv +5 more sources
Early dark energy from the dark energy-dark matter interaction [PDF]
In this paper we propose a dark energy-dark matter interaction model in which an early dark energy phase emerges. This model is unique since the usual interacting dark matter-energy models affect the late time cosmology and not the early phase ...
N Khosravi, A Banihashemi
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The dark matter and dark energy [PDF]
The dark matter and dark energy are one of the biggest challenges facing contemporary physics and astronomy. Dark energy and dark matter play an important role the universe.
Wu Yumiao
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Combining outlier analysis algorithms to identify new physics at the LHC
The lack of evidence for new physics at the Large Hadron Collider so far has prompted the development of model-independent search techniques. In this study, we compare the anomaly scores of a variety of anomaly detection techniques: an isolation forest ...
Melissa van Beekveld+9 more
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A theory of dark energy that matches dark matter [PDF]
In this paper, a theory of dark energy is proposed that matches dark matter. The relativistic quantum mechanics equations reveal that free particles can have negative energies. We think that the negative energy is the dark energy which behaviors as dark photons with negative energies.
arxiv +1 more source
290 metagenome-assembled genomes from the Mediterranean Sea: a resource for marine microbiology [PDF]
The Tara Oceans Expedition has provided large, publicly-accessible microbial metagenomic datasets from a circumnavigation of the globe. Utilizing several size fractions from the samples originating in the Mediterranean Sea, we have used current assembly ...
Benjamin J. Tully+3 more
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Constrains on the electric charges of the binary black holes with GWTC-1 events
Testing black hole’s charged property is a fascinating topic in modified gravity and black hole astrophysics. In the first Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog (GWTC-1), ten binary black hole merger events have been formally reported, and these ...
Hai-Tang Wang+5 more
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