Results 1 to 10 of about 242,969 (314)

Deep Inelastic Scattering on Ultracold Gases [PDF]

open access: yesPhysical Review X, 2017
We discuss Bragg scattering on both Bose and Fermi gases with strong short-range interactions in the deep inelastic regime of large wave vector transfer q, where the dynamic structure factor is dominated by a resonance near the free-particle energy ℏω=ϵ_{
Johannes Hofmann, Wilhelm Zwerger
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Lorentz violation and deep inelastic scattering

open access: yesPhysics Letters B, 2017
The effects of quark-sector Lorentz violation on deep inelastic electron–proton scattering are studied. We show that existing data can be used to establish first constraints on numerous coefficients for Lorentz violation in the quark sector at an ...
V. Alan Kostelecký   +2 more
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Diffractive deep-inelastic scattering [PDF]

open access: greenPhysical Review D, 1995
Diffractive deep inelastic events with a large rapidity gap are analyzed by using a Regge model for the pomeron flux and a gluonic content for the pomeron. Contrary to the expectations, the simplest assumption for the pomeron trajectory gives the best agreement with the data on the ratio of diffractive to the total number of events.
Roberto Fiore   +2 more
openalex   +6 more sources

Perspectives of Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering [PDF]

open access: yesEPJ Web of Conferences
This contribution highlights some topics addressed by current and future experiments in Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering. We concentrate on the programs at 12 and 22 GeV at Jefferson Lab using the CLAS detector, and at the future Electron-Ion ...
Vossen Anselm
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A POWHEG generator for deep inelastic scattering

open access: yesJournal of High Energy Physics
We present a new event generator for the simulation of both neutral- and charged-current deep inelastic scattering (DIS) at next-to-leading order in QCD matched to parton showers using the POWHEG method.
Andrea Banfi   +5 more
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Charm in deep-inelastic scattering [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of High Energy Physics, 2015
We show how to extend systematically the FONLL scheme for inclusion of heavy quark mass effects in DIS to account for the possible effects of an intrinsic charm component in the nucleon. We show that when there is no intrinsic charm, FONLL is equivalent to S-ACOT to any order in perturbation theory, while when an intrinsic charm component is included ...
Marco Bonvini   +3 more
openaire   +7 more sources

Deeply learning deep inelastic scattering kinematics

open access: yesEuropean Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 2022
We study the use of deep learning techniques to reconstruct the kinematics of the neutral current deep inelastic scattering (DIS) process in electron–proton collisions. In particular, we use simulated data from the ZEUS experiment at the HERA accelerator
Markus Diefenthaler   +3 more
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Simulation of semi-inclusive deep inelastic lepton scattering on a proton at energies of 20 – 100 GeV on the basis of the Generative-Adversarial Neural Network

open access: yesSt. Petersburg Polytechnical University Journal: Physics and Mathematics, 2023
This paper continues a series of articles devoted to developing the capabilities of a deep inelastic lepton-proton scattering event generator based on the generative adversarial network (GAN).
Lobanov Andrey, Berdnikov Yaroslav
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Unpolarized transverse momentum distributions from a global fit of Drell-Yan and semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering data

open access: yesJournal of High Energy Physics, 2022
We present an extraction of unpolarized transverse-momentum-dependent parton distribution and fragmentation functions based on more than two thousand data points from several experiments for two different processes: semi-inclusive deep-inelastic ...
The MAP Collaboration   +8 more
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Deep inelastic onium scattering [PDF]

open access: yesPhysics Letters B, 1996
Using the colour dipole approach of the QCD perturbative (BFKL) Pomeron exchange in onium-onium scattering, we compute the cross section for small but hierarchically different onium sizes. A specific term dependent on the size-ratio is generated. In deep inelastic onium scattering it appears as a scaling violation contribution to the quark structure ...
H. Navelet   +2 more
openaire   +4 more sources

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