The theory and phenomenology of polarized deep inelastic scattering [PDF]
Phys.Rept. 261 (1995) 1-124; Erratum-ibid. 281 (1997) 399-400, 1995Comprehensive review paper on the theory and phenomenology of polarized deep inelastic scattering, to appear in Physics ...
arxiv +11 more sources
Problem of the statistical model in deep inelastic scattering phenomenology [PDF]
Physics Letters B, 1993Recent Deep Inelastic data leads to an up-down quark asymmetry of the nucleon sea. Explanations of the flavour asymmetry and the di-lepton production in proton-nucleus collisions call for a temperature $T \approx 100$ MeV in a statistical model. This T may be conjectured as being due to the Fulling-Davies-Unruh effect. But it is not possible to fit the
Dey, Jishnu, Tomio, Lauro, Dey, Mira
core +9 more sources
Phenomenology of Deep Inelastic Scattering Structure Functions [PDF]
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1997I review recent progress in analysing deep inelastic scattering structure functions in global analyses. The new ingredients are new data and attempts to incorporate heavy quarks consistently. A new way of including the resummation of large $\log 1/x$ terms is discussed.
Richard G. Roberts
arxiv +8 more sources
The BFKL-Regge phenomenology of deep inelastic scattering [PDF]
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 19976 pages Latex + 5 Figures ...
Nikolai N. Nikolaev+2 more
semanticscholar +6 more sources
Phenomenology of multiple parton radiation in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering [PDF]
Physical Review D, 2001In the current region of semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering, most events are accompanied by intensive radiation of soft and collinear partons which cannot be reliably described at any fixed order of perturbative QCD. In this paper, a resummation formalism that describes such multiple parton radiation is compared to the HERA data on semi-inclusive
Daniel R. Stump+2 more
semanticscholar +5 more sources
Phenomenology of nuclear shadowing in deep-inelastic scattering [PDF]
Zeitschrift f�r Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei, 199526 pages, LaTeX, 16 PostScript figures available from
Wolfram Weise+3 more
semanticscholar +6 more sources
Phenomenology of forward hadrons in deep inelastic scattering: Fracture functions and its
We analyze recent data on the production of forward neutrons in deep inelastic scattering at DESY HERA in the framework of a perturbative QCD description for semi-inclusive processes, which includes fracture functions. Using a model estimate for the nonperturbative piece of the fragmentation process, in fairly good agreement with the available data, we
Daniel de Florian, Rodolfo Sassot
semanticscholar +6 more sources
Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA and Related Phenomenology [PDF]
, 200714 ...
F. Zomer
semanticscholar +9 more sources
Phenomenology of asymptotically free theories in deep inelastic scattering
Nuclear Physics B, 1977Abstract The current neutrino inelastic charged current scattering data are shown to be in reasonable agreement with the predictions of simple four-flavour quark models with parameters determined from electroproduction. The data is consistent with the scale-breaking effects from asymptotic freedom that are included in the calculations. We discuss the
Geoffrey Fox
semanticscholar +7 more sources
Topics in the QCD Phenomenology of Deep-Inelastic Scattering [PDF]
, 1979I review the status of QCD with respect to recent results from deep-inelastic neutrino scattering, emphasizing the theoretical uncertainties coming from effects of non-leading order in 1/Q2 and in αs.
L. F. Abbott
semanticscholar +4 more sources