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open access: yesRevista da Sociedade Portuguesa de Dermatologia e Venereologia, 2016
Entre as diversas aplicações da dermatoscopia, distinguem-se cinco campos: dermatoscopia nas infeções e infestações (entomodermatoscopia), nas doenças inflamatórias da pele (inflamoscopia), na patologia do cabelo (tricoscopia), na avaliação da prega ...
Virgínia Coelho de Sousa   +2 more
doaj   +3 more sources

Dermatologia na pele negra Dermatology in black skin [PDF]

open access: yesAnais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2008
Este estudo aborda a dermatologia na pele negra. Inicialmente, discute os conceitos de raça e etnia, assim como os critérios de classificação da população brasileira, indicando as regiões em que a população negra se concentra.
Mauricio Mota de Avelar Alchorne   +1 more
doaj   +3 more sources

Síndrome de Pele Sensível: Revisão da Literatura de uma Entidade Emergente

open access: yesRevista da Sociedade Portuguesa de Dermatologia e Venereologia, 2021
A síndrome de pele sensível (SPS) pode ser definida pela ocorrência de sensações desagradáveis como picada, ardor, dor ou prurido após a exposição da pele a estímulos físicos, químicos ou térmicos que normalmente não causariam estes ...
Frederico Bonito   +2 more
doaj   +1 more source

Fotoeducação em Saúde [PDF]

open access: yes, 2022
Skin cancer is the most frequent and predictable carcinoma of all, with a representative prevalence in Brazil, mainly due to the predominance of the tropical climate and the high incidence of solar radiation.
da Silva e Souza Lorca, Barbara
core   +2 more sources

Laboratório de Histopatologia Cutânea do Serviço de Dermatologia do Hospital de Santa Maria. Actividade de Doze Anos (2008-2019) - Parte II: Patologia Não Tumoral

open access: yesRevista da Sociedade Portuguesa de Dermatologia e Venereologia, 2021
Introdução: Entre 2008 e 2019, o Laboratório de Histopatologia Cutânea do Serviço de Dermatologia do Hospital de Santa Maria efectuou 60 741 exames histopatológicos, dos quais 11 873 corresponderam a patologia cutânea não tumoral (20%).
Pedro de Vasconcelos   +4 more
doaj   +1 more source

Canine melanocytes: Immunohistochemical expression of melanocytic markers in different somatic areas

open access: yesVeterinary Dermatology, Volume 34, Issue 4, Page 284-297, August 2023., 2023
Background – Melanoblasts originate in the neural crest from where they migrate to peripheral tissues and differentiate into melanocytes. Alteration during melanocyte development and life can cause different diseases, ranging from pigmentary disorders and decreased visual and auditory functions, to tumours such as melanoma.
Ilaria Porcellato   +5 more
wiley   +1 more source

Canine dermatitis on contacting grass leaf: A case series

open access: yesVeterinary Dermatology, Volume 34, Issue 2, Page 115-124, April 2023., 2023
Background – Pruritus is a common clinical sign in dogs for which owners seek veterinary attention. Its diagnosis and treatment can be a source of frustration for the owner and veterinarian alike. A contact dermatitis is considered rarely, even when lesions are located only on the skin.
Kenneth Mason, Merja Ruutu
wiley   +1 more source

Sterile pyogranuloma syndrome in a dog successfully treated with immunosuppressive therapy and reconstructive seed grafting

open access: yesVeterinary Dermatology, Volume 33, Issue 5, Page 454-458, October 2022., 2022
This report describes a case of sterile pyogranuloma syndrome managed with immunomodulatory therapy and seed skin grafting. Seed skin grafting can be considered as part of a multimodal treatment approach for cutaneous defects caused by ulcerative immune‐mediated diseases where secondary intention healing is delayed or contraindicated, and other forms ...
Hilary H. Chan   +4 more
wiley   +1 more source

Caregiver burden, treatment complexity, and the veterinarian–client relationship in owners of dog with skin disease

open access: yesVeterinary Dermatology, Volume 33, Issue 3, Page 208-213, June 2022., 2022
Background – Increasing complexity of treatment plans is associated with higher levels of caregiver burden in owners of dogs with skin disease. It is possible that elevated caregiver burden resulting from treatment complexity could, in turn, affect the veterinarian–client relationship.
Mary Beth Spitznagel   +4 more
wiley   +1 more source

Cutaneous microRNA expression in healthy Labrador and Golden retrievers and retrievers with allergic and inflammatory skin diseases

open access: yesVeterinary Dermatology, Volume 32, Issue 4, Page 331-e92, August 2021., 2021
Background MicroRNAs (miRNA) are short, single‐stranded RNA molecules that regulate gene expression in a post‐transcriptional manner. Their expression is proposed to be tissue‐specific and alterations in miRNA expression have been detected in many diseases. Objective To compare miRNA expression in the skin of healthy Labrador and golden retrievers, and
Marie Isabel Morlang   +3 more
wiley   +1 more source

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