The Egalitarian Principle of “Qist” as Lived Ethic: Towards a Liberational Tafsir
The Qur’anic term and principle of “qist”—generally defined as fairness, equity, and giving each his/her due share—occurs twenty-two times and forms a particular intentional discourse against social and economic privilege and against power in its various
Omaima Mostafa Abou-Bakr
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Community-Engaged Research for Economic Justice: Reflections on Concepts and Practices
The growing practice of community-engaged research (CER) creates new opportunities for practitioners, both to affirm the importance of critical approaches to CER and to strengthen our work by reflecting on the concepts and practices of our research.
Eva Bertram, Heather E. Bullock
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Informed Neutrality in Minimalist Market Design: A Case Study on a Constitutional Crisis in India [PDF]
In a 3-2 split verdict, the Supreme Court approved the exclusion of India's socially and economically backward classes from its affirmative action measures to address economic deprivation. Dissenting justices, including the Chief Justice of India, protested the Majority Opinion for sanctioning "an avowedly exclusionary and discriminatory principle." To
Challenge of Tradition with Religion in Economic Aspect in Prophet Century [PDF]
Following the emergence of Islam, the economic strategies of Arabian Peninsula was according to the social traditions common in this terrain and also based on aristocracy, inequality, and exploitation of deprived people. The emergence of Islam in Arabian
Hedieh Taqavi
Future research of the future: From technocracy to new models of sociality
The article is a review of the book by J. Urry Kak vyglyadit budushchee? [What is the Future?] (Trans. by A. Matvienko; ed. by S. Shchukina. Moscow: Delo; 2018.
E. A. Koval, S. G. Ushkin
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Dispute Resolutions for Digital Assets in a Decentralized Virtual World
Digital assets and the Metaverse have transformed our interactions and business practices. This dynamic environment, comprising virtual worlds and online communities, facilitates the creation, sharing, and consumption of digital information.
Marco Giacalone, Gioia Arnone
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Sustainable and Resilient Systems for Intergenerational Justice [PDF]
Rawls' theory of justice aims at fairness. He does not only think of justice between exiting parties in existing society, but he also thinks of it between generations intergenerational justice problem. Rawls' solution to this problem is the saving principle, and he says that we are responsible for being just with the next generations.
Forecasting environmental equity: Air quality responses to road user charging in Leeds, UK [PDF]
Sustainable development requires that the goals of economic development, environmental protection and social justice are considered collectively when formulating development strategies. In the context of planning sustainable transport systems, trade-offs
Adebowale+45 more
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To what extent does the anointing of the Pentecostal prophets provide a meaningful way of responding to poverty in an unjust economic context? Using Zimbabwe as a case study, this article critically evaluates the growing reliance on the anointing of the ...
Collium Banda
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Racial Sentencing Disparities and Differential Progression Through the Criminal Justice System: Evidence From Linked Federal and State Court Data [PDF]
Several key actors -- police, prosecutors, judges -- can alter the course of individuals passing through the multi-staged criminal justice system. I use linked arrest-sentencing data for federal courts from 1994-2010 to examine the role that earlier stages play when estimating Black-white sentencing gaps.