Results 1 to 10 of about 195,271 (243)
Trends in health and health inequality during the Japanese economic stagnation: Implications for a healthy planet [PDF]
Introduction: Human health and wellbeing may depend on economic growth, the implication being that policymakers need to choose between population health and the health of ecosystems.
Ayako Hiyoshi+7 more
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Economic stagnation and development aid [PDF]
The main objectors to a link being established between special drawing rights (SDRs) and the financing of development have in the past been the industrial countries.
Küng, Emil
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Economic stagnation in the United States: underlying causes and global consequences [PDF]
This paper analyzes the causes of the slow recovery of the US economy since the financial crisis and Great Recession of 2008-9. Fallen house values and excessive household debts continue to depress consumer spending, while corporations are failing to ...
Robert A. Blecker
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The article considers the downward spiral of deflation, its causes and consequences. The paper discusses the compression of aggregate demand and the subsequent recession.
V. D. Kuligin
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Variations in the Spatial Distribution of Areas of Economic Growth and Stagnation in Poland: Determinants and Consequences [PDF]
This study seeks to identify the spatial distribution of and changes in areas of economic growth and stagnation in Poland resulting from spatial differences in the process of the country’s socio-economic advancement.
Churski Paweł
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Zombie Firms and Economic Stagnation in Japan [PDF]
It is often claimed that one contributing factor to Japan's weak economic performance over the past decade is that Japanese banks have continued to provide financial support for highly inefficient, debt-ridden companies, commonly referred to as "zombie ...
Alan G. Ahearne, Naoki Shinada
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Growth or Stagnation: Economic Consequences of Status Preference. [PDF]
Using a dynamic optimization model with status preference this paper shows that depending on the object of people's status preference an economy exhibits a completely opposite performance; permanent growth or persistent stagnation.
Ono, Y.
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Economic Growth Consequences of Structural Stagnation: A Two-Sector Model of Productive Diversification Abstract: The role of manufacturing input diversification is addressed in a two-sector model of endogenous growth. The general economic equilibrium is
Carlos Ortiz
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Economic stagnation in Ethiopia, 14th-18th Centuries
The economic history of Ethiopia is one of the understudied themes of Ethiopian history. Although there are some invaluable studies on the economic activities of medieval Ethiopia, these studies seem to have failed to examine the economic stagnation of ...
Mengistie Zewdu
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Economic stagnation in Weimar Germany: a structuralist perspective [PDF]
Mexico and argentina in the 1990s as well as weimar germany in the 1920s implemented similar exchange-rate-based stabilization programs which were successful in stopping inflation, but failed to generate the domestic savings and investment rates necessary for a sustainable growth path. It is argued that in both cases substantial foreign capital inflows
Thorsten H. Block
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