A Case Report of Thoracic Ectopia Cordis in a Hospital in Zanjan, Iran [PDF]
Background and Aim. Ectopia cordis is a rare congenital anomaly characterized by the heart being located partially or completely outside of the thoracic cavity. Thoracic ectopia cordis is an even rarer form of this anomaly, with only a few reported cases
Mehdi Hosseini+3 more
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The importance of designing a protector for a preterm and low birth weight infant with ectopia cordis [PDF]
Key Clinical Message Ectopia cordis is a rare condition with expected low survival rate based on past studies. We encountered a case of a preterm and low birth weight infant with ectopia cordis.
Takeo Mukai+7 more
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Ectopia cordis: a case report [PDF]
Introduction: ectopia cordis is a rare congenital malformation, with an estimated incidence of 5 to 8 per million live births. It is defined as a malformation in which the heart is located in an extra-thoracic position.
Gonçalo Filipe Infante Mesquita Dias+4 more
doaj +11 more sources
Complete Thoracic Ectopia Cordis in Two Lambs [PDF]
Cardiac congenital defects related to inheritance and teratogenesis have been reported in veterinary species and humans worldwide. Among these, ectopia cordis (EC), characterized by an externalized heart through a cleft, is extremely rare in sheep.
Liz de Albuquerque Cerqueira+7 more
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Pectoralis Major and Abdominis Rectus Musculocutaneous Flap Reconstruction for Sternal Wound Closure in Ectopia Cordis [PDF]
Summary:. Ectopia cordis is a rare congenital condition resulting in extrathoracic positioning of the heart. The severity of presentation may vary with partial or complete displacement through sternal or diaphragmatic defects.
Catherine H. Bautista, BS+5 more
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A Case of Antenatal Diagnosis of Ectopia Cordis with Cardiac Disease [PDF]
Ectopic cordis is a rare anomaly with incidence of 5.5 to 7.9 per one million. In this anomaly, fetal heart is displayed towards outside of the thoracic cavity partially or completely. We describe a case of antenatal diagnosis of Thoracic Ectopia Cordis
Fariba Rashidighader+4 more
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Ectopia Cordis as a Lethal Neonatal Condition: A Case Report from Bahrain and a Literature Review [PDF]
Ectopia cordis is a rare type of malformation where the heart is not located normally. It may be partially or completely located outside the thoracic cavity and can be associated with other congenital abnormalities.
Shereen M. Mohamed+2 more
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Ectopia cordis: prenatal diagnosis, perinatal outcomes, and postnatal follow-up of an international multicenter cohort case series [PDF]
Objective: This study aimed to analyze prenatal diagnosis, perinatal outcomes, and postnatal follow-up in fetuses with ectopia cordis (EC). Methods: This retrospective analysis accessed 31 patients with EC who were either diagnosed or referred to a ...
Aquino, Patrícia+10 more
core +3 more sources
A Baby Born with Ectopia Cordis, Omphalocele, Cleft Lips and Palate: A Case Report [PDF]
Ectopia cordis is a rare congenital defect with the prevalence of 5 to 8 per million live births. Here we report a rare case of preterm female live birth with ectopia cordis associated with omphalocele, cleft lip, and palate.
Nischal Shrestha
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Body Stalk Anomaly Complicated by Ectopia Cordis: First-Trimester Diagnosis of Two Cases Using 2- and 3-Dimensional Sonography. [PDF]
Introduction: Body stalk anomaly is a severe defect of the abdominal wall, characterized by the evisceration of abdominal organs and, in more severe cases, thoracic organs as well.
Pappalardo E+4 more
europepmc +4 more sources