Results 1 to 10 of about 1,409,062 (228)

Uso dos quadros de competência digital DigComp e DigCompEdu em educação: revisão de literatura

open access: yesCadernos de Educação Tecnologia e Sociedade, 2021
This review aimed to investigate the educational literature based on DigComp and DigCompEdu through a scoping review or mapping (Paré et al., 2015), following the methodological guidelines of Okoli (2019). The search resulted in 327 works, of which 18 articles were selected, analyzed considering the context and objectives of the research, the ...
Cassio Cabral Santos   +2 more
openaire   +2 more sources

O software IRAMUTEQ como ferramenta metodológica para análise qualitativa nas pesquisas em educação profissional e tecnológica

open access: yesCadernos de Educação Tecnologia e Sociedade, 2021
This is a qualitative research, which seeks to investigate what are the bibliographic references that discuss the themes: school and democracy in Technological Professional Education (EPT). This work presents the experience of using the Iramuteq software to analyze the bibliographic references in the context of an ongoing research in the Master in ...
Silvani Silva   +1 more
openaire   +2 more sources

O que o uso da tecnologia pelas crianças podem nos apontar sobre a educação para as mídias nas escolas?

open access: yesCadernos de Educação Tecnologia e Sociedade, 2021
The purpose of this reflection is to discuss the ways in which children appropriate the use of technology. The research was developed through the development of activities with children between 5 and 7 years of age from the availability of tablets and the internet.
Fabiana De Oliveira   +1 more
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The written production of argumentative and dissertation text: a didactic project based on Bakhtin's philosophy [PDF]

open access: yes, 2018
This article is characterized as a theoretical and practical research related to a project developed during the year 2015 in two schools - one public, the other private- , in the city of Birigui, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The main goal of the study was
Farias Coelho, Patricia Margarida   +2 more
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Investigations and explorations in the mathematics classroom [PDF]

open access: yes, 2007
In Portugal, since the beginning of the 1990s, problem solving became increasingly identified with mathematical explorations and investigations. A number of research studies have been conducted, focusing on students’ learning, teachers’ classroom ...
Ponte, João Pedro da
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Oportunidades e Desafios no Cenário de (Pós-)Pandemia para Transformar a Educação Mediada por Tecnologias

open access: yesRevista Iberoamericana de Tecnología en Educación y Educación en Tecnología, 2021
Sem aulas presenciais, a pandemia do SARS-CoV-2 impôs, para a continuidade dos processos de ensino- aprendizagem, o uso das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) na forma de um conjunto de ferramentas, via internet. De forma emergencial, professores e estudantes foram instados a utilizar computadores e celulares, por meio de plataformas
Dotta, Silvia   +3 more
openaire   +5 more sources

From lifelong education to lifelong learning. Discussion of some effects of today\u27s neoliberal policies [PDF]

open access: yes, 2012
When we think about current adult education in the context of the uneven and contradictory social and economic impact of globalization, it necessarily implies thinking about the transfer from the paradigm of lifelong education to the paradigm of lifelong
Barros, Rosanna
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The place of grammar in the teaching of English in Portugal [PDF]

open access: yes, 2017
La gramática siempre ha estado presente en diferentes métodos y enfoques de enseñanza. Sin embargo, el lugar de la gramática en estos métodos ha cambiado a través de los siglos, desde un lugar central en el enfoque de gramática y traducción a un enfoque
Cardoso, Nazaré   +1 more
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Different Aspects of the Emerging OER Discipline [PDF]

open access: yes, 2016
The more recent interpretation of open education is related to open education resources (OER), open education practice (OEP), and open access publishing.
Weller, Martin
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Povo kanindé de Aratuba-CE: história, afirmação étnico-cultural e educação

open access: yesRevista Cocar, 2018
Objetiva-se demonstrar traços étnico-culturais identitários e aspectos educacionais indígenas dos descendentes do povo Kanindé da localidade de Fernandes, Aratuba, Ceará, Brasil. O problema norteador da pesquisa desponta da histórica tentativa eurocêntrica de apagar, ofuscar e/ou destruir o legado cultural de nossos ancestrais indígenas ...
Xavier, Antônio Roberto   +1 more
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