Results 1 to 10 of about 338,737 (203)

Exploring Perceptions and Elements of Entrepreneurial Behavior in Pesantren: Understanding Fundamental Concepts of Entrepreneurial Behavior [PDF]

open access: yesAl-Tanzim: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 2023
This study aims to analyze the perceptions of understanding, elements, and categories of entrepreneurial behavior important for understanding the basic concepts of Islamic boarding schools' entrepreneurial behavior. This study uses a qualitative approach.
Ilfi Nur Diana, Segaf Segaf
doaj   +5 more sources

Entrepreneurial Behavior and Innovative Behavior: A Conceptual Clarification [PDF]

open access: yesAsian Journal of Technology Management, 2015
This paper represents one effort to systematize the use of terminology of entrepreneurial behavior and innovative behavior and to clarify how they relate each other. A clearly stated set of relationship and dynamics on these two concepts is necessary for
Muhammad Taufiq Amir
doaj   +8 more sources

The Effect of Entrepreneurship on Salt Business Performance in Jeneponto District, South Sulawesi [PDF]

open access: yesJurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis, 2022
Salt is one of the strategic commodities as a component of human nourishment and raw material for sustainable industries. Like other agriculture and food business, developing entrepreneurial skills and behavior among salt producers is very important ...
Aswar, Burhanuddin, Suprehatin
doaj   +4 more sources

Assessment of Entrepreneurial Behavior Skills among Small Farmers: An Exploratory Study [PDF]

open access: yesSEISENSE Journal of Management, 2021
Aim - The study assessed the entrepreneurial behavior skills of smallholder potato farmers in Nakuru County, Kenya. Methodology - A structured questionnaire was used to collect data.
John Atsu Agbolosoo, Richmond Anaman
doaj   +3 more sources

Entrepreneurs Behavior Members of The Indonesian Young Entrepreneur Association: Role of Intention, Attitudes, Contextual Environment, Creativity [PDF]

open access: yesIndonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 2022
Student behavior in entrepreneurship has not been maximized, where some members actually already have a business framework, but it is only a framework and there is no real action.
Indri Murniawaty   +2 more
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Entrepreneurial Passion to Entrepreneurial Behavior: Role of Entrepreneurial Alertness, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Proactive Personality [PDF]

open access: yesFrontiers in Psychology, 2020
This study investigated the role of entrepreneurial passion in recognition of opportunity, developing entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial intention, in the shaping of entrepreneurial actions in the presence of proactive personality.
Cai Li   +5 more
doaj   +4 more sources

Understanding Entrepreneurial Intention: The Prediction of Entrepreneurial Behavior [PDF]

open access: yesInternational Review of Management and Marketing, 2020
This study examines the predictive ability of entrepreneurial behavior towards entrepreneurial intention star hotel employee in Bali. Assessing self efficacy in predicting entrepreneurial intention.
Ida Ketut Kusumawijaya
doaj   +5 more sources

The effects of creativity supported at the university on entrepreneurial behavior [PDF]

open access: yesEkonomski Vjesnik, 2022
Purpose: This paper examines direct and serial indirect effects of creativity supported at the university on male and female entrepreneurial behavior through entrepreneurial self-efficacy and individual entrepreneurial intent.
Elvira Ćatić-Kajtazović   +2 more
doaj   +2 more sources

An Estimated Structural Model of Entrepreneurial Behavior [PDF]

open access: bronzeAmerican Economic Review, 2017
Using a rich panel of owner-operated New York dairy farms, we provide new evidence on entrepreneurial behavior. We formulate a dynamic model of farms facing uninsured risks and financial constraints. Farmers derive nonpecuniary benefits from operating their businesses.
J. G. Jones, Sangeeta Pratap
openalex   +3 more sources

The Impact of Entrepreneurial Behavior on Sales Volume

open access: hybridInternational Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Sciences, and Humanities, 2017
This research was conducted at the Culinary Hawkers that located on Highway Sukapura, Dayeuhkolot, Bandung. This study examines the Entrepreneurial behaviour which resulted in increased sales volumes. Almost all Culinary Hawkers on Highway Sukapura doesn’t yet have the entrepreneurial behavior in accordance with the characteristics - traits mentioned ...
Adjeng Tiara Eltari   +1 more
openalex   +4 more sources

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