Factors affecting students' continued intention to use e-learning systems [PDF]
Background and Objectives: E-learning is a method for designing, , editing, presenting, and evaluating education that utilizes electronic capabilities and facilities to aid learning that educational institutions and learners have welcomed over the past ...
M Akbari, N. Javadi, M. Danesh
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Introduction: Parallel with the growth of technologies, which affect the telemedicine, timely identification of telemedicine entrepreneurial opportunities seems to be necessary for the product development.
Ali Mobini-Dehkordi+3 more
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Identifying Barriers to Development of Regional Technological Entrepreneurship (Case Study: Sarbaz County) [PDF]
The unprecedented speed of science and technology and the relative economic need of different societies for technological entrepreneurship are undeniable and this need is specially felt in less developed countries.
javad keikhakohan+2 more
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Weathering the Storm: How Foreign Aid and Institutions Affect Entrepreneurship Following Natural Disasters [PDF]
This study examines how foreign aid and institutions affect entrepreneurship activity following natural disasters. We use insights from the entrepreneurship, development, and institutions literature to develop a model of entrepreneurship activity in the aftermath of natural disasters.
arxiv +1 more source
With the economic development in recent years, the state has paid more and more attention to education, and more and more college graduates have been graduated.
Wei Guo, Lihua Liu, Yao Yao, Tong Shen
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Sustainable Internationalization Pattern in Iranian Pharmaceutical Technology Based Industries: Explaining the Actions Taken and Providing the Optimal Model [PDF]
Sustainable international development is the ability of society to lead to an internationally desirable future. The present study is applied from the perspective of the purpose and has qualitatively examined 15 pharmaceutical technology-based businesses ...
Samine Soltanzade+3 more
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An Examination of the Meta-Analysis of the Influence of Cultural Attitude on the Formation of Women's Social Entrepreneurship [PDF]
In today's world, where various scientific researches, particularly in the field of entrepreneurship, are taking place at a high rate, a meaningful engagement with observable, tangible, and practical outcomes for solving human challenges is challenging ...
Hossein Sadeghi+2 more
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Towards a Critical Typology of Entrepreneurial Identity [PDF]
This study attempts to present a typology of entrepreneurial identity on the basis of a Habermasian critical approach. To this end, four dimensions of a conceptual framework for a typology of entrepreneurial identity is designated constructed on the ...
A. Rostamiaan+3 more
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Global Entrepreneurship Monitor versus Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics: comparing their intellectual structures [PDF]
In the past 15 years, two international observatories have been intensively studying entrepreneurship using empirical studies with different methodologies: GEM and PSED. Both projects have generated a considerable volume of scientific production, and their intellectual structures are worth analyzing.
arxiv +1 more source
The objective of this research was to analyze the personality traits of successful Indonesian start-up entrepreneurs whose businesses were in the top 200 based on start-upranking.com. Using IBM Watson Personality Insights, the Big Five personality traits
Banguning Asgha+5 more
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