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Global Environmental Law [PDF]

open access: yesTilburg Law Review, 2012
Globalization is profoundly changing environmental law. As a consequence, environmental legal scholarship and the teaching of environmental law are changing as well. This article shows that these changes, in general, have to be evaluated as promising and
Jonathan Verschuuren
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Environmental Law [PDF]

open access: bronzeWater Environment Research, 2002
Activities in environmental law in 2008 were heaviest in the areas of enforcement, water quality, and emerging issues. EPA and other agencies produced several new documents dealing with global climate change and sustainability issues. EPA's compliance office claimed responsibility for nearly $12 billion in environmental improvements that resulted from ...
Dee Ann Sanders
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Correlation of branches of law in environmental and legal support of the development of the Arctic region [PDF]

open access: yesSHS Web of Conferences, 2021
The purpose of the study is to analyze individual independent branches of law included in environmental law and their variability in determining special approaches to the development of the Arctic in modern geopolitical conditions.
Abanina Elena Nikolaevna   +4 more
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Logistical support of agricultural sector in Ukraine: Legal features [PDF]

open access: yesEkonomika Poljoprivrede (1979), 2020
The article is devoted to the issue of legal regulation of logistical support of Ukrainian agriculture. The relevance of the article is that Ukraine's agriculture is far behind optimal international norms, and the provision of agriculture with fixed ...
Kharytonova Tetiana   +4 more
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Development of new sanctions and mechanisms in international environmental law for efficient and effective protection of the environment [PDF]

open access: yesعلوم محیطی, 2023
Introduction: The international community includes states that enact and execute the rules and regulations of international law. The basis of international law derives from the need for states to coexist in the international community.
Hoda Yazdanpanah   +3 more
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The Florida Agricultural Handbook of Solid and Hazardous Waste Regulation: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

open access: yesEDIS, 2023
Circular 1139, a multi-part handbook, helps Floridians recognize which agricultural and household activities may involve solid and hazardous wastes.
Michael T. Olexa, Christopher Hill
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open access: yesAccess to Justice in Eastern Europe, 2021
The article is devoted to the issue of regulating the use of natural healing resources in Ukraine, the European Union, and other countries. Natural resources have been found to have many functions, but one of the most important is the ability to use ...
Sokolova Alla , Cherkashyna Maryna
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Forest Fire and Environmental Damage: The Indonesian Legal Policy and Law Enforcement

open access: yesUnnes Law Journal, 2022
Law enforcement regarding the environment is in fact a responsibility that should be fulfilled by the state. In this case, the state is the main actor in prevention, as well as a protector from any efforts to destroy nature and the environment. It can be
Adi Wijayanto   +2 more
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The Florida Handbook of Solid and Hazardous Waste Regulation: Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)

open access: yesEDIS, 2023
Circular 1139, a multi-part handbook, helps Floridians recognize which agricultural and household activities may involve solid and hazardous wastes.
Michael T. Olexa, Christopher Hill
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The concept structure and main characteristics of environmental law and order

open access: yesХабаршы. Заң сериясы, 2022
In this study, the authors analyze and consider the concept, its legal and methodological aspects, the structure and internal content of environmental law and order, which is one of the main elements enshrined in the basic law of the country.
R. Yerezhepkyzy   +4 more
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