Results 1 to 10 of about 2,006,235 (304)
Explaining biological differences between men and women by gendered mechanisms
Background The principal aim of this study was to explore if biological differences between men and women can be explained by gendered mechanisms. Methods We used data from the 1958 National Child Development Study, including all the living subjects of ...
Hélène Colineaux+4 more
doaj +1 more source
Implementation Research: An Efficient and Effective Tool to Accelerate Universal Health Coverage [PDF]
Success in the implementation of evidence-based interventions (EBIs) in different settings has had variable success. Implementation research offers the approach needed to understand the variability of health outcomes from implementation strategies in ...
Agnes Binagwaho+7 more
doaj +1 more source
Why and how a university in Rwanda is training its medical students in one health
Bayisenge et al. describe teaching One Health approaches to medical students at the University of Global Health Equity in Rwanda. Wider implementation of this approach should enable a better response to the health challenges of our changing planet.
Ursin Bayisenge+3 more
doaj +1 more source
Background Multisectoral and public–private partnerships are critical in building the necessary infrastructure, policy, and political will to ameliorate health inequity.
Dulce J. Jiménez+7 more
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Eliminating the White Supremacy Mindset from Global Health Education
The term “decolonization” has been increasingly used to refer to the elimination of the colonial experience and its legacy. However, the use of this overarching term masks the real root of the problem.
Agnes Binagwaho+2 more
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On financial market correlation structures and diversification benefits across and within equity sectors [PDF]
We study how to assess the potential benefit of diversifying an equity portfolio by investing within and across equity sectors. We analyse 20 years of US stock price data, which includes the global financial crisis (GFC) and the COVID-19 market crash, as well as periods of financial stability, to determine the `all weather' nature of equity portfolios.
arxiv +1 more source
Background Globally, men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women (TGW) encounter many challenging experiences when accessing health services compared to the general population.
Sandra Isano+4 more
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Background Although the prevalence of child stunting is falling in Latin America, socioeconomic inequalities persist. However, there is limited evidence on ethnic disparities.
Giovanna Gatica-Domínguez+3 more
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Risk and expected returns of private equity investments : evidence based on market prices [PDF]
We estimate the risk and expected returns of private equity investments based on the market prices of exchange traded funds of funds that invest in unlisted private equity funds.
Jegadeesh, Narasimhan+2 more
core +4 more sources
Background Sex work criminalization and occupational stigma pose barriers to sex workers’ access to support services, including community participation — engagement with sex work specific community organizing at both formalized and grassroots capacities.
Jennie Pearson+6 more
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