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Why Equity Follows the Law [PDF]

open access: yesLaws
Renewed attention to equity in higher education is welcome because true equity helps us to reason together well. When administered correctly, the jurisprudence of equity models civil discourse and, therefore, can teach us how to carry out civic ...
Adam J. MacLeod
doaj   +6 more sources

Law and Equity Markets: A Simple Model [PDF]

open access: greenSSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
We analyze how the law and its enforcement affect equity market equilibrium. Improvements in the legal system, while invariably associated with broader equity markets, have different effects on equity returns depending on the institutional change ...
Davide Lombardo, Marco Pagano
core   +7 more sources

Racial Equity and U.S. Law

open access: yesHealth Equity, 2023
History and experience teach us that our Constitution and laws can be instruments of racial discrimination and oppression as well as tools for advancing freedom and equality.
doaj   +3 more sources

A Note on the Role of Equity in the Curriculum of the Modern Law School [PDF]

open access: green, 1967
One of the casualties of the generally beneficial merger of law and equity has been the abandonment by law schools of courses treating equitable relief.
Sheldon Tefft
openalex   +4 more sources

Eine ganz andere Geschichte. Equity, Recht und Literatur [PDF]

open access: yesSlavica TerGestina, 2011
The recently published volume The Concept of Equity. An Interdisciplinary Assessment (Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg, 2007), edited by Daniela Carpi, is a good example of the Law and literature approach in the studies of English literature ...
Mauro Barberis
doaj   +3 more sources


open access: greenLegal Theory, 2004
In a famous passage in his Ethics, Aristotle considers the nature of equity and its relation to justice.1 His conclusion seems to be that equity's role is to prevent the law from adhering too rigidly to its own rules and principles when those rules and principles produce injustice. Hence equity permits judges to depart from legal principle in order
Allan Beever
openalex   +5 more sources

Law and Equity, and “Law and History” as a Resource of Critique [PDF]

open access: greenPólemos, 2017
Abstract This article’s support for the critical equity agenda can be found in proposing that scholarship on equity could benefit from embracing a distinctive “Law and History” approach. In doing so, it acknowledges that amongst “mainstream” areas of law, equity has been the subject of very extensive historical scrutiny, and suggests that further but ...
Sarah Wilson
openalex   +3 more sources

Equity: Balancing certainty and flexibility to secure justice

open access: yesFields, 2022
The development of legal principles which arise from judicial decisions, forming the common law, are often criticised for their apparent rigidity. Equity has thus traditionally filled the role of counteracting this nature, flexibly reactive to the ...
Jacob Griffin
doaj   +2 more sources

Rethinking the Inter-relationship of law and equity [PDF]

open access: yesFaṣlnāmah-i Pizhūhish-i Huqūq-i Khuṣūṣī, 2016
The concept of equity has been existed for a long time in all cultures aswell as different fields of knowledge particularly law and morals.Elaborating this concept, legal systems and commentators from differentlegal scholarships have pointed out to some ...
Azam Amini
doaj   +1 more source

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