Results 1 to 10 of about 463,535 (351)
Federal Jurisdiction: Dominant Federal Interest May Be a Possible Basis for Federal Jurisdiction [PDF]
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Federal Criminal Jurisdiction and Prosecutors' Discretion [PDF]
offenses, occupying approximately one quarter of the federal judges' time,1 had its meager beginnings before the birth of constitutional federal government itself. The Articles of Confederation provided that "the United States in Congress assembled, shall have the sole and exclusive right and power of . . .
Schwartz, L. B.
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Jurisdiction and Procedure of the Federal Courts [PDF]
Armistead M. Dobie, John C. Rose
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Federal Jurisdiction and Procedure
H. D. H., William A. Maury
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Federal Jurisdiction: The Civil Rights Removal Statute Revisited [PDF]
For the first time in sixty years, the Supreme Court in Georgia v. Rachel and City of Greenwood v. Peacock re-examined the civil rights removal provisions of section 1443 of the Judicial Code, which until recent years have remained dormant because of the
H. M. J.
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Treatise Writing and Federal Jurisdiction Scholarship: Does Doctrine Matter When Law is Politics? [PDF]
A Review of Federal Jurisdiction by Erwin Chemerinsky and Federal Jurisdiction 1990 Supplement by Erwin ...
Matasar, Richard A.
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The present article aims to describe how the Federal Justice was organized and developed in the capital Republic during the period from 1890 to 1937, with a special focus on the type of lawsuit that was concretely submitted to the ...
Ronald Kruger Rodor
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The Structure and Dynamics of Modern United States Federal Case Law
The structure and dynamics of modern United States Federal Case Law are examined here. The analyses utilize large-scale network analysis tools, natural language processing techniques, and information theory to examine all the federal opinions in the ...
Keerthi Adusumilli+11 more
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Ripple effect: the SEC’s major questions doctrine problem
Objective: to elaborate a new standard for assessing the level of decentralization of cryptoassets in the USA.Methods: dialectical approach to cognition of social phenomena, allowing to analyze them in historical development and functioning in the ...
M. Donovan
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Cobalt is an essential microelement which is an indispensable part of several enzymes and co-enzymes. Cobalt ions may occur in the environment from both natural sources and due to human activities. This metal is very widespread in the natural environment
S.I. Dolomatov, T.P. Sataeva, W. Zukow
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