Results 1 to 10 of about 55,391 (288)

Gender, Voice and Online Space: Expressions of Feminism on Social Media in Spain

open access: yesMedia and Communication, 2021
Feminism’s current momentum, encouraged by movements such as #NiUnaMenos or #MeToo, has caused many social media agents to adopt some degree of feminism as a part of their online image or personal brand.
Cilia Willem, Iolanda Tortajada
exaly   +3 more sources

Feminism as Power and Resistance: An Inquiry into Different Forms of Swedish Feminist Resistance and Anti-Genderist Reactions

open access: yesSocial Inclusion, 2018
This article explores how resistance and power are intertwined within the field of mainstream Swedish feminism, by analyzing some of its more visible expressions and strategies.
Mona Lilja
exaly   +3 more sources

The Criminal Penalties for LGBT in a Human Rights Perspective

open access: yesSemarang State University Undergraduate Law and Society Review, 2021
LGBT is essentially an unusual behavior of social aberrations. The cause of a person to be LGBT was due to several factors, genetic, hormonal, gender role discomfort, peer group interaction, social.
Ita Dwiyanti
doaj   +1 more source

Footnote in a global history: On histories of feminisms [PDF]

open access: yesSociologija, 2015
The paper attempts to offer an alternative reading of the history of Yugoslav feminism. It focuses on birth and development of feminism during socialism, and its aftermath in times of war and disintegration of the common state.
Zaharijević Adriana
doaj   +1 more source

A Critical Review on the Book Feminist Thought: A More Comprehensive Introduction [PDF]

open access: yesپژوهش‌نامۀ انتقادی متون و برنامه‌های علوم انسانی, 2022
Feminist Thought: A More Comprehensive Introduction by Rosemarie Tong and translated by Manizeh Najm-e araghi is a publication that offers us a clear and comprehensible understanding of the core feminist traditions.
Khadijeh Keshavarz
doaj   +1 more source

Book Review: Data Feminism

open access: yesJournal of eScience Librarianship, 2021
Book review of: Data Feminism by Catherine D'Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein, The MIT Press (2020). Data Feminism combines intersectional feminism and critical data studies to invite the reader to consider: “How can we use data to remake the world?” As non ...
Katherine A. Mika
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Women and Anarchism: The Anarcha-Feminism Movement in Europe and the United States

open access: yesRUDN Journal of Political Science, 2022
As an ideology, anarchism has many currents formed through its symbiosis with various socio-political philosophies, including feminism. In the modern world, due to the growing support for feminism in Western countries, the study of anarcha-feminism as ...
Gleb S. Brekhov
doaj   +1 more source

Gender Biases in Error Mitigation by Voice Assistants [PDF]

open access: yesProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 8, Issue CSCW1, 2024; Article No.: 60, Pages 1 - 27, 2023
Commercial voice assistants are largely feminized and associated with stereotypically feminine traits such as warmth and submissiveness. As these assistants continue to be adopted for everyday uses, it is imperative to understand how the portrayed gender shapes the voice assistant's ability to mitigate errors, which are still common in voice ...
arxiv   +1 more source


open access: yesJurnal KATA: Penelitian tentang Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra, 2020
The purpose of this research is to describe (1) the form of feminism based on the perspective of the main male character; (2) strategies of male main characters in implementing feminism towards female main characters; (3) failure of the perspective of ...
Syahrotul Latifah, Purwati Anggraini
doaj   +1 more source

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