Results 1 to 10 of about 2,237,606 (258)

Coherent perfect absorption in a weakly absorbing fiber [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2017
Short-length fiber lasers are key elements for device integration in fiber systems. However, efficiently absorbing a pump beam in a short ion-doped fiber remains a challenge. We present an approach that renders a weakly absorbing short-length Er-doped fiber completely absorbing.

Evaluation and Analysis of the ANSI X3T9.5 (FDDI) PMD and Proposed SMF-PMD as Influenced by Various Fiber Link Characteristics [PDF]

open access: yes, 1991
The purpose of this project is to evaluate the operational parameters of the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) fiber optic cable plant. The evaluation is based on the Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) and Single Mode Fiber (
Wernicki, M. Chris
core   +1 more source

On the Capacity of Nonlinear Fiber Channels [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2003
The nonlinearity of a transmission fiber may be compensated by a specialty fiber and an optical phase conjugator. Such combination may be used to pre-distort signals before each fiber span so to linearize an entire transmission line.

Fiber Strong Shape Theory for Topological Spaces [PDF]

open access: yes, 2017
In the paper we construct and develop a fiber strong shape theory for arbitrary spaces over fixed metrizable space $\Bo$. Our approach is based on the method of Marde\v{s}i\'{c}-Lisica and instead of resolutions, introduced by Marde\v{s}i\'{c}, their ...
Baladze, Vladimer, Tsinaridze, Ruslan
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Correspondences between modular Calabi--Yau fiber products [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2008
We describe two ways to construct finite rational morphisms between fiber products of rational elliptic surfaces with section and some Calabi--Yau manifolds. We use them to construct correspondences between such fiber products that admit at most five singular fibers and rigid Calabi--Yau threefolds.

The fiber homotopically equivalent relation for fiber bundles [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2010
In this paper, we will give the polyhedron property role to satisfy fiber homotopically equivalent relation in fiber bundle theory over suspensions of polyhedron space.

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