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ارزیابی و تهیه نقشه شوری خاک با استفاده از شاخصهای پوشش گیاهی و تصاویر چند طیفی Sentinel-2 و Landsat-8 در شورهزار دشت قزوین [PDF]
در این پژوهش، برای بررسی و پایش تغییرات شوری در منطقه، 23 نمونه خاک با مشخصات جغرافیایی مشخص اندازهگیری شد. استفاده از دو سنجنده Sentinel-2 و Landsat-8، بهمنظور بررسی و ارزیابی هفت شاخص پوشش گیاهی و پنج شاخص شوری در محیط GEE صورت گرفت و بهطورکلی 240 ...
محدثه السادات فخار+1 more
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Past and future drought in Northwestern Algeria: the Beni Bahdel Dam catchment [PDF]
In last decades, the impact of climate change started to appear in the semi-arid regions of the Mediterranean Basin. The severity and frequency of drought events in Northwestern Algeria have affected water resources availability and agriculture.
S. Bouabdelli+4 more
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Some existence results for a nonlocal non-isotropic problem [PDF]
In this paper we deal with the following problem \[\begin{cases}-\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N}\left[ \left( a+b\int\limits_{\, \Omega }\left\vert \partial _{i}u\right\vert ^{p_{i}}dx\right) \partial _{i}\left( \left\vert \partial _{i}u\right\vert ^{p_{i}-2 ...
Rachid Bentifour, Sofiane El-Hadi Miri
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L’analyse statistique est devenue un outil indispensable d'aide à la décision en matière de bonne gestion des ressources en eaux, De ce fait, une analyse statistique des débits maximaux annuels a été réalisée dans le bassin-versant moyen et le bas de ...
Brahim HABIBI, Mohamed MEDDI
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Urban development, population growth, high traffic jams, and intensive disaster events are indicators of changing the landscape of the eastern area of East Java. Investigating these changes is vital for planning and environmental protection in the future.
Marga Mandala+3 more
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Influence of mulches on soil moisture and water infiltration in the tomato crop
Soil moisture is a key parameter of soil monitoring for observation of vegetation growth, predicting crop production, and improving water resource management. In this study, the objective is to compare the evolution of soil moisture in different mulches
Imerina TANKEUOO KOPA+2 more
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Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Rate and Water Productivity Based on FAO WaPOR Database in Qazvin Plain [PDF]
Introduction Achieving food security in the future with sustainable use of water resources will be a big challenge for the current and future generations. Population increase, economic growth and climate change intensifythe pressure on existing resources.
M.S. Fakhar, A. Kaviani
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Modularity lifting theorems [PDF]
Updated version of 2013 Arizona WInter School notes on modularity lifting theorems for for two-dimensional p-adic representations, using wherever possible arguments that go over to the n-dimensional (self-dual) case.
arxiv +1 more source
Rapid Flood Monitoring Using Sentinel-1 and Landsat-8 Images (Case study: Kashkan River, Poldakhter City) [PDF]
Flood is known as one of the natural disasters that cause financial and human losses not only in developing countries but also in the developed countries.
Peyman Peymankhah+2 more
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The Emerton--Gee stack of rank one $(\varphi,Γ)$-modules [PDF]
We give a classification of rank one $(\varphi,\Gamma)$-modules with coefficients in a $p$-adically complete $\mathbf{Z}_p$-algebra. As a consequence, we obtain a new proof of Proposition 7.2.17 in {arXiv:1908.07185}, which gives an explicit description of the Emerton--Gee stack of $(\varphi,\Gamma)$-modules in the rank one case.
arxiv +1 more source