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Overview of utility-based valuation [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2010
We review the utility-based valuation method for pricing derivative securities in incomplete markets. In particular, we review the practical approach to the utility-based pricing by the means of computing the first order expansion of marginal utility ...
German, David
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From the Name Index to Akhmatova's Notebooks: To German [PDF]

open access: yesЛитературный факт, 2021
Articles from the author’s cycle “From the Name Index to Akhmatova's Notebooks” demonstrate the experience of extensive commentary on Akhmatova's working notes, organized around the names of characters entered on her notebooks’ pages.
Roman D. Timenchik
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Bewusste Terminologievermittlung in deutschsprachigen architektonischen Fachbüchern des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zur historischen Fachlexikographie [PDF]

open access: yesActa Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Ostraviensis. Studia Germanistica, 2021
German authors considered easy comprehensibility of their architecture books very important and therefore they included in them a number of explanatory terminological notes of varying complexity.
Jana Kusová
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German’s Next Language Model [PDF]

open access: yesInternational Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2020
In this work we present the experiments which lead to the creation of our BERT and ELECTRA based German language models, GBERT and GELECTRA. By varying the input training data, model size, and the presence of Whole Word Masking (WWM) we were able to ...
Branden Chan   +2 more
semanticscholar   +1 more source

Bildung und Gebrauch der deutschen und polnischen Toponyme und Probleme bei deren gegenseitiger Wiedergabe [PDF]

open access: yesLinguistische Treffen in Wrocław, 2022
Every translator is often confronted with the problem of translatability of proper names, which include geographical names called toponyms (i.e. choronyms, proper toponyms, urbanonyms, hydronyms and oronyms).
Ewa Wojaczek
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Das deutsche und polnische verbale System im Vergleich – die Perspektive des Fremdsprachenunterrichts [PDF]

open access: yesLinguistische Treffen in Wrocław, 2022
The review article discusses the book of Andrzej Kątny „Das Polnische im Spiegel des Deutschen. Studien zur kontrastiven Linguistik“. In the introductory part, the necessity to conduct comparative studies and the possible reasons for difficulties to lean
Przemysław Staniewski
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Structural-semantic, etymological and phraseological aspects of the fixed phrase scheme [PDF]

open access: yesАктуальные проблемы филологии и педагогической лингвистики, 2018
The article describes the fixed phrase scheme «Was + Verb + Pron1!(?)». The relevance of the study is based on the lack of knowledge of the object space as well as its high importance for the practice of speech communication. The fixed phrase scheme is
Melnik Anastasia D.
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open access: yesRussian Linguistic Bulletin, 2022
Предметом исследования является изучение тенденции заимствований англицизмов в немецком языке, активно распространяющейся в Германии, и обусловленных ею процессов в немецком языке.
Дорошенко Н. С.   +1 more
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Multi30K: Multilingual English-German Image Descriptions [PDF]

open access: yesVL@ACL, 2016
We introduce the Multi30K dataset to stimulate multilingual multimodal research. Recent advances in image description have been demonstrated on English-language datasets almost exclusively, but image description should not be limited to English.
Desmond Elliott   +3 more
semanticscholar   +1 more source

New Verbal Lexemes of the Word-Formative Family with a Base “Corona” in the German Vocabulary of the Pandemic Period: Structural and Semantic Analysis [PDF]

open access: yesАктуальные проблемы филологии и педагогической лингвистики, 2021
The article considers the structural and semantic peculiarities of German colloquial verbs, which belong to the word formation family with the base “Corona”.
Ludmila А. Yushkova
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