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Book Review: Asian Biblical Hermeneutics and Postcolonialism: Contesting the Interpretations [PDF]
A review of Asian Biblical Hermeneutics and Postcolonialism: Contesting the Interpretations by R.
Thangaraj, M. Thomas
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The Eternal (Re)Turn. Heidegger and the “Absolutes Getragensein” of Myth [PDF]
This article aims to initiate the retrieval of Martin Heidegger’s thinking on myth. Beginning with a reflection on the dilemmas and precedents of approaching myth, this paper turns to an extensive review of Heidegger’s major, explicit treatments of ...
Jafe Arnold
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“Like a Battering-Ram”: The Place of Language in Levinas’s Thought [PDF]
The writings of Levinas address several existential questions, which relate to the primacy of ethics as “first philosophy,” and set up language as a system that enable ethical behavior in a concrete manner.
Dorit Lemberger
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Mother-Tongue Biblical Hermeneutics and the Pursuit of Ethnic Harmony in Ghana
Ethnic disharmony exists among the people of Ghana. What are the reasons for this? Ghana is an amalgamation of different ethnic groups, cultures, peoples and states to form one entity.
Frederick Mawusi Amevenku
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Hermeneutics has a long tradition in the history of philosophy. It carries the task of Hermes to bring God’s message to humans and translate it without betraying it.
Cristiana Freni+2 more
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The Hermeneutics of Arūnas Sverdiolas
The article seeks to highlight and thus draw attention to some important features of A. Sverdiolas’s thinking and his hermeneutic research. The article discusses three models of cultural hermeneutics: “weak hermeneutics,” “strong hermeneutics,” and “deep
Arūnas Mickevičius
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Paul Ricoeur, Memory, History, Forgetting
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Andrjez Wiercinski
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The medieval Biblical hermeneutics universalizes the notion of meaning and begins a trend that reaches its peak in contemporary hermeneutics, crossing also into analytic philosophy. Accordingly, meaning conveys properties of the known object, its origin
Mirela Oliva
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Christianity is the religion of the majority of the South African population (between 60%-70%) and has great influence within South African society. Unfortunately, as in the case of any great power and source of such tremendous influence, its efect can ...
Jan Botha
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The Black Star: Lived Paradoxes in the Poetry of Paul Celan
Celan’s poetry is deemed universal and experimental, and its main characteristic is to “explore possibilities of sense-making.” His poetry is also acknowledged to be the apex of Jewish post-Holocaust poetry, contending with existentialist questions such ...
Dorit Lemberger
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