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The author describes a case of massive lynphadenopathy, fever, astenia and sweating, with 3 weeks evolution. The patient was investigated in a health unit in Sapiranga – RS, Brazil, where he diagnosed with sinus histiocytosis (Rosai-Dorfman disease). After initial treatment in the health unit, the patient was transferred to a reference service.
Jocinei Santos de Arruda
doaj +7 more sources
Acometimento orbitário na doença de Rosai-Dorfman [PDF]
A doença de Rosai-Dorfman (DRD) ou histiocitose sinusal com linfadenopatia maciça é uma entidade clínica idiopática, rara e benigna, caracterizada pela proliferação histiocitária com linfofagocitose. Geralmente se apresenta com linfoadenomegalia cervical,
Cristiana Dumaresq de Oliveira+4 more
doaj +5 more sources
Doença de Rosai-Dorfman cutânea: relato de caso Cutaneous Rosai-Dorfman disease: a case report [PDF]
A doença de Rosai-Dorfman, também denominada histiocitose sinusal com linfadenopatia maciça, é histiocitose de células não Langerhans, idiopática e de curso benigno.
Josie da Costa Eiras+4 more
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Patient-Specific Heart Model Towards Atrial Fibrillation [PDF]
Atrial fibrillation is a heart rhythm disorder that affects tens of millions people worldwide. The most effective treatment is catheter ablation. This involves irreversible heating of abnormal cardiac tissue facilitated by electroanatomical mapping.
arxiv +1 more source
Doença de Rosai-Dorfman cutânea Cutaneous Rosai-Dorfman Disease
Doença de Rosai-Dorfman é uma doença benigna e autolimitada. Tem etiologia desconhecida e foi descrita pela primeira vez por Rosai e Dorfman em 1969. As manifestações clássicas incluem linfadenopatia cervical usualmente acompanhada por febre, leucocitose
Fábio Machado Landim+5 more
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Recurring soft tissue Rosai-Dorfman disease Doença de Rosai-Dorfman recorrente das partes moles
We present a case of a 27-year-old female patient with recurrent soft tissue Rosai-Dorfman disease in the right leg. This report highlights the fact that tumor recurrence may arise in different sites and show rapid growth.Apresentamos o caso de uma ...
Alex Guedes+5 more
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Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD) consists of sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy. Extranodal involvement occurs in up to 43% of cases. However, isolated soft tissue RDD is rare.
Antônio Luiz Penna Costa+5 more
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Nasal irrigation delivery in three post-FESS models from a squeeze-bottle using CFD [PDF]
Purpose: Nasal saline irrigation is highly recommended in patients following functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) to aid the postoperative recovery. Post-FESS patients have significantly altered anatomy leading to markedly different flow dynamics from those found in pre-op or non-diseased airways, resulting in unknown flow dynamics. Methods: This
Supervised Contrastive Learning to Classify Paranasal Anomalies in the Maxillary Sinus [PDF]
Using deep learning techniques, anomalies in the paranasal sinus system can be detected automatically in MRI images and can be further analyzed and classified based on their volume, shape and other parameters like local contrast. However due to limited training data, traditional supervised learning methods often fail to generalize.
Lissajous curves with a finite sum of prime number frequencies [PDF]
The Ulam spiral inspired us to calculate and present Lissajous curves where the orthogonally added functions are a finite sum of sinus and cosines functions with consecutive prime number frequencies.
arxiv +1 more source