Results 1 to 10 of about 30,525 (343)

Factores relacionados al fracaso de implantes dentales [PDF]

open access: yes, 2021
Introduction: The dental implant is a dental solution that helps the aesthetics of the human being, especially those people who have a missing tooth. This treatment must have surgical planning and adequate prosthesis to avoid failure.
Puente Quepuy, Mirella Noemí   +1 more
core   +6 more sources

ImplantFormer: Vision Transformer based Implant Position Regression Using Dental CBCT Data [PDF]

open access: yesNeural Computing and Applications 2024, 2022
Implant prosthesis is the most appropriate treatment for dentition defect or dentition loss, which usually involves a surgical guide design process to decide the implant position. However, such design heavily relies on the subjective experiences of dentists.
arxiv   +1 more source

Efecto antimicrobiano de tetraciclina 2% y clorhexidina 0,12% sobre biofilm dental de pilares de cicatrización

open access: yesOdontología Sanmarquina, 2021
Objetivo. Comparar el efecto antimicrobiano de la tetraciclina en gel al 2% y de la clorhexidina en gel al 0,12% sobre el biofilm dental de pilares de cicatrización en implantes dentales. Métodos. Estudio experimental en laboratorio, de corte transversal.
Gastón Arízaga-Rujel   +2 more
doaj   +1 more source

Coronas implantosoportadas: una alternativa de tratamiento restaurador en paciente con bruxismo. Reporte de caso

open access: yesDuazary, 2021
El bruxismo es un hábito parafuncional que ocurre durante el sueño y/o la vigilia. Siendo más común el bruxismo del sueño, se presenta en el 17% de la población mundial.  Por lo general, cuando es persistente provoca detrimento en la salud oral. No se ha
Edwin Alfredo Estevez-Avendaño   +2 more
doaj   +1 more source

Dental Implant Systems [PDF]

open access: yesInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2010
Among various dental materials and their successful applications, a dental implant is a good example of the integrated system of science and technology involved in multiple disciplines including surface chemistry and physics, biomechanics, from macro-scale to nano-scale manufacturing technologies and surface engineering.
Koray Gençay   +3 more
openaire   +3 more sources

Local tissue effects and peri-implant bone healing induced by implant surface treatment: an in vivo study in the sheep [PDF]

open access: yes, 2021
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess, through biological analysis, the local effects and osseointegration of dental implants incorporating surface micro/nanofeatures compared to implants of identical design without surface treatment. Background: Known to impact bone cell behavior, surface chemical and topography modifications target improved ...
arxiv   +1 more source

Nanotechnology and Dental Implants

open access: yesInternational Journal of Biomaterials, 2010
The long-term clinical success of dental implants is related to their early osseointegration. This paper reviews the different steps of the interactions between biological fluids, cells, tissues, and surfaces of implants. Immediately following implantation, implants are in contact with proteins and platelets from blood.
Lavenus, S., Louarn, G., Layrolle, P.
openaire   +6 more sources

Rationale for dental implants [PDF]

open access: yesBritish Dental Journal, 2006
The clinical replacement of lost natural teeth by osseointegrated implants has represented one of the most significant advances in restorative dentistry. Two decades ago, a majority of dentists were sceptical about implants and rejected them entirely. Today it is rare to find a practitioner who does not work with dental implants or who is not actively ...
S Jivraj, W Chee
openaire   +3 more sources

Dental Implants

open access: yesSeminars in Ultrasound, CT and MRI, 2015
Dental implants restore function to near normal in partially or completely edentulous patients. A root-form implant is the most frequently used type of dental implant today. The basis for dental implants is osseointegration, in which osteoblasts grow and directly integrate with the surface of titanium posts surgically embedded into the jaw.
Vahe M, Zohrabian   +3 more
openaire   +5 more sources

Nivel óseo alrededor de implantes adyacentes a dientes e implantes

open access: yesUniciencia, 2022
[Objetivo] Determinar las diferencias en el nivel óseo de implantes adyacentes a dientes e implantes. [Metodología] en este estudio transversal se incluyeron 17 pacientes con un total de 51 implantes dentales estables con carga funcional de, al menos, 6 ...
John Jairo Gómez-Guzmán   +5 more
doaj   +1 more source

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