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Tereny PKP S.A. w małych miastach województwa łódzkiego [PDF]
Space, Society, Economy, 2016PKP S.A. posiada w zarządzaniu ponad 100 tys. nieruchomości. W wyniku zmian społeczno-gospodarczych, postępu technologicznego, wiele z tych nieruchomości stało się zbędnych z punktu widzenia działalności prowadzonej przez PKP.
India Pecyna
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Learning and Upgrading in Global Value Chains: An Analysis of India's Manufacturing Sector [PDF]
SSRN Electronic Journal, 24 Jun 2020, 2021The topic of my research is "Learning and Upgrading in Global Value Chains: An Analysis of India's Manufacturing Sector". To analyse India's learning and upgrading through position, functions, specialisation & value addition of manufacturing GVCs, it is required to quantify the extent, drivers, and impacts of India's Manufacturing links in GVCs. I have
arxiv +1 more source
Trauma Care, 2022
The pervasive effects of cumulative harm resulting from adverse childhood experiences influence all aspects of an individual’s life course. Research highlights a relationship between accumulation and trauma symptomology across all domains of harm and ...
India Bryce, Simone Collier
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The pervasive effects of cumulative harm resulting from adverse childhood experiences influence all aspects of an individual’s life course. Research highlights a relationship between accumulation and trauma symptomology across all domains of harm and ...
India Bryce, Simone Collier
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Children, 2023
Developmental trauma and disability are frequently co-occurring lived experiences for children and young people. The present research explores the considerations and practices for pedagogy provided to children with a disability and who have experienced ...
Simone Collier, India Bryce
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Developmental trauma and disability are frequently co-occurring lived experiences for children and young people. The present research explores the considerations and practices for pedagogy provided to children with a disability and who have experienced ...
Simone Collier, India Bryce
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Space and Culture, India, 2018
Publication about latest open access/open source ...
Space and Culture, India
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Publication about latest open access/open source ...
Space and Culture, India
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Free Neuropathology, 2022
The 5th Asian Oceanian Congress of Neuropathology along with the 5 th Annual Conference of the Neuropathology Society of India (AOCN-NPSICON) was held in virtual mode on September 24–26, 2021, at National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences ...
Neuropathology Society of India
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The 5th Asian Oceanian Congress of Neuropathology along with the 5 th Annual Conference of the Neuropathology Society of India (AOCN-NPSICON) was held in virtual mode on September 24–26, 2021, at National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences ...
Neuropathology Society of India
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Facets and mechanisms of adaptive pain behavior: predictive regulation and action
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2013Neural mechanisms underlying nociception and pain perception are considered to serve the ultimate goal of limiting tissue damage. However, since pain usually occurs in complex environments and situations that call for elaborate control over behavior ...
India eMorrison, India eMorrison
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Culture v. Capital: The Rebecca Belmore Case
Contemporaneity: Historical Presence in Visual Culture, 2014This paper considers a civil suit between an artist and her former gallery dealer. In the case of Nadimi v. Belmore, the plaintiff and the defendant exemplify two opposing ideologies, which in turn reflect two possibilities for understanding art.
India Young
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Magistrala węglowa w regionie szadkowskim
Biuletyn Szadkowski, 2016Budowa magistrali węglowej była jedną z najważniejszych inwestycji okresu międzywojennego. Połączyła ona Górny Śląsk z Morzem Bałtyckim, z nowo wybudowanym portem w Gdyni, dając nowe możliwości dla eksportu polskiego węgla.
India Pecyna
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Science with the $AstroSat$ Soft X-ray Telescope: an overview [PDF]
, 2021The Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) aboard the $AstroSat$ satellite is the first Indian X-ray telescope in space. It is a modest size X-ray telescope with a charge coupled device (CCD) camera in the focal plane, which provides X-ray images in the $\sim 0.3-8.0$ keV band.
arxiv +1 more source