Results 1 to 10 of about 138,849 (318)
Inelastic Scattering of Deuterons [PDF]
WE have recently performed experiments which show that deuterons are scattered inelastically by aluminium and magnesium targets. Such inelastic scattering is well known for protons, but has not hitherto been observed with deuterons.
J.R. Holt, C. T. YOUNG
+7 more sources
Inelastic neutron scattering [PDF]
The goal of the JDN22 school was to propose a progressive teaching eager to improve the expertise of students in neutron diffraction. Neutron-based techniques have indeed proved for decades to be essential tools in the investigation of condensed matter ...
Petit Sylvain
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Inelastic electron and light scattering from the elementary electronic excitations in quantum wells: Zero magnetic field [PDF]
The most fundamental approach to an understanding of electronic, optical, and transport phenomena which the condensed matter physics (of conventional as well as nonconventional systems) offers is generally founded on two experiments: the inelastic ...
Manvir S. Kushwaha
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We study the worldsheet S-matrix of a string attached to a D-brane in AdS5×S5. The D-brane is either a giant graviton or a dual giant graviton. In the gauge theory, the operators we consider belong to the su(2|3) sector of the theory.
Robert de Mello Koch+1 more
doaj +4 more sources
Collapse of wave functions in Schrödinger’s wave mechanics [PDF]
We show that inelastic scattering in a short-range potential leads to a collapse of the wave function within standard evolution through the Schrödinger equation, whereas elastic scattering will not collapse the wave function.
Rainer Dick
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Elastic and inelastic scattering of 15N ions by 13C nuclei at energy 84 MeV [PDF]
New experimental data of the 15N + 13C elastic and inelastic scattering were obtained at the energy Elab(15N) = 84 MeV. The data were analyzed within the coupled-reaction-channels method.
A. T. Rudchik+18 more
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Laser-assisted inelastic electron scattering by excited hydrogen atoms [PDF]
We theoretically study the inelastic electron-H($2s$) scattering in a linearly polarized laser field in the domain of high scattering energies and moderate field intensities. We investigate the angular distributions and the resonance structure of the differential scattering cross sections.
arxiv +1 more source
Charm in deep-inelastic scattering [PDF]
We show how to extend systematically the FONLL scheme for inclusion of heavy quark mass effects in DIS to account for the possible effects of an intrinsic charm component in the nucleon. We show that when there is no intrinsic charm, FONLL is equivalent to S-ACOT to any order in perturbation theory, while when an intrinsic charm component is included ...
Marco Bonvini+3 more
openaire +7 more sources
New equipment for neutron scattering cross-section measurements at GELINA [PDF]
Two new experimental setups are being developed at European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Geel, Belgium. The scintillator array ELISA (ELastic and Inelastic Scattering Array) is for high-quality neutron scattering cross section and angular ...
Nyman Markus+10 more
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Diffractive deep-inelastic scattering [PDF]
Diffractive deep inelastic events with a large rapidity gap are analyzed by using a Regge model for the pomeron flux and a gluonic content for the pomeron. Contrary to the expectations, the simplest assumption for the pomeron trajectory gives the best agreement with the data on the ratio of diffractive to the total number of events.
F. Paccanoni, R. Fiore, L. L. Jenkovszky
openaire +4 more sources