Results 1 to 10 of about 945,278 (390)
Historical underpinnings of the term essential tremor in the late 19th century. [PDF]
The term essential tremor has been in regular use since the second half of the 20th century. To modern neurologists, the word "essential" may seem cryptic. The historical underpinnings of this term have not been examined.To bring to attention early medical reports using the term essential tremor and examine the characteristics of the disorder that ...
Louis ED+5 more
europepmc +7 more sources
Paths to and from poverty in late 19th century novels [PDF]
Late 19th century novels provide graphic descriptions of working and living conditions and their impact on population health, in particular the detrimental effects of hunger, poor housing, environmental conditions, hazardous work and poor pay, smoking and alcohol and crime, but also the transformative possibilities of social and political action.
Philippa Howden‐Chapman
openalex +4 more sources
Historical insight on provincial merchants of the late 19th century [PDF]
The authors of the article believe that it is important to study the deep essence of the writer’s works in order to understand the period of time that he depicts. D.I. Stakheyev contributed to the development of the genres of sketch and short story as he
Mukhametshin Azat+4 more
doaj +3 more sources
Transitive Lie algebras of vector fields---an overview [PDF]
This overview paper is intended as a quick introduction to Lie algebras of vector fields. Originally introduced in the late 19th century by Sophus Lie to capture symmetries of ordinary differential equations, these algebras, or infinitesimal groups, are a recurring theme in 20th-century research on Lie algebras.
Draisma, Jan
arxiv +6 more sources
The article provides analysis of major directions of entrepreneurship development in Minsk in late 19th – early 20th century, showcases dynamics of quantitative and qualitative changes in industry and trade.
Aliaksandr V. Burachonak
doaj +1 more source
The study focuses on the artistic aspects of traditional furniture from Bessarabia, dating from the late 19th century to the mid-20th century. We emphasize the importance of materials, decorative techniques, artistic means, and decorative structure in ...
MADAN, Elena
doaj +1 more source
The Fall of Fertility in Tasmania, Australia, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
The paper examines the fall of marital fertility in Tasmania, the second settled Australian colony, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The paper investigates when marital fertility fell, whether the fall was mainly due to stopping or spacing ...
Helen Moyle
doaj +9 more sources
Upswing in Industrial Activity and Infant Mortality during Late 19th Century US [PDF]
This paper aims to assess the effects of industrial pollution on infant mortality between the years 1850-1940 using full count decennial censuses. In this period, US economy experienced a tremendous rise in industrial activity with significant variation among different counties in absorbing manufacturing industries.
arxiv +1 more source
A colocação pronominal na literatura brasileira do século XIX
This paper describes some aspects of clitic pronoun placement in the 19th century literary Brazilian Portuguese. This description is then compared with today's Brazilian Portuguese and 19th century European Portuguese.
Ane Schei
doaj +1 more source
The Structure of Protection and Growth in the Late 19th Century [PDF]
There is a vast literature on the relationship between trade policy and growth, including several papers on the late 19 th century experience (e.g. O’Rourke 2000, Clemens and Williamson 2004). However, standard trade models suggest that the structure of protection, rather than the overall average tariff level, should matter for resource allocation and ...
Lehmann, Sibylle H.+1 more
openaire +2 more sources