Latin Americans show wide-spread Converso ancestry and imprint of local Native ancestry on physical appearance [PDF]
Latin Americans trace their ancestry to the admixture of Native Americans, Europeans and Sub-Saharan Africans. Here, the authors develop a novel haplotype-based approach and analyse over 6,500 Latin Americans to infer the geographically-detailed genetic ...
Juan-Camilo Chacón-Duque+49 more
doaj +14 more sources
Dental size variation in admixed Latin Americans: Effects of age, sex and genomic ancestry. [PDF]
Dental size variation in modern humans has been assessed from regional to worldwide scales, especially under microevolutionary and forensic contexts.
Guangrui Yang+18 more
doaj +4 more sources
A GWAS in Latin Americans highlights the convergent evolution of lighter skin pigmentation in Eurasia [PDF]
Pigmentation variation in humans is influenced by complex genetic architecture in different populations. Here, the authors perform a genome-wide association analysis involving > 6,000 Latin Americans for pigmentation of skin and eyes, and identify known ...
Kaustubh Adhikari+31 more
doaj +3 more sources
A GWAS in Latin Americans identifies novel face shape loci, implicating VPS13B and a Denisovan introgressed region in facial variation. [PDF]
We carried out a genome-wide association study in Latin Americans and identified novel face morphology loci.. To characterize the genetic basis of facial features in Latin Americans, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of more than 6000 ...
Bonfante B+53 more
europepmc +2 more sources
Variation in dental morphology and inference of continental ancestry in admixed Latin Americans [PDF]
Objectives: To investigate the variation in dental nonmetric traits and to evaluate the utility of this variation for inferring genetic ancestry proportions in a sample of admixed Latin Americans.
Adhikari+48 more
core +5 more sources
Transnational citizenship: Latin Americans in Portugal [PDF]
This article is a reflection upon the exercising of transnational citizenship as a consequence of international migration, applied to Latin Americans resident in Portugal.
Beatriz Padilla+1 more
doaj +4 more sources
A genome-wide association scan in admixed Latin Americans identifies loci influencing facial and scalp hair features. [PDF]
Adhikari K+35 more
europepmc +2 more sources
Secret Agent for International Maoism: José Venturelli, Chinese Informal Diplomacy and Latin American Maoism [PDF]
The Chilean artist José Venturelli was a supporter of Maoist China. This article, a brief political biography of Venturelli, shows how he acted on behalf of the People’s Republic of China’s informal diplomacy among Latin Americans and worked to promote ...
Rothwell, Matthew
doaj +4 more sources
Levels and Predictors of Suicide Literacy and Suicide Stigma in Spanish‐Speaking Individuals [PDF]
Background One of the obstacles to seeking help for suicide is its social stigma. The literature suggests that suicide knowledge could impact this stigma.
Maitena Pierantonelli+8 more
doaj +2 more sources
MBOAT7 rs641738 Variant Is Not Associated with an Increased Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Latin American Cohort [PDF]
Background: The rs641738 C > T single-nucleotide polymorphism of MBOAT7 has been associated with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
Akambase, Joseph+11 more
core +1 more source