Results 1 to 10 of about 3,458 (242)
Ludwig's angina and acute myocardial infarction: A case report [PDF]
Ludwig's angina was first described in 1839 by German physician, Wilhelm Frederick Von Ludwig as a rapidly and fatal progressive gangrenous cellulitis and edema of the soft tissues of the neck and floor of the mouth with rapid spread to other places like
Ronald Kato+2 more
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This issue of eMedRef provides information to clinicians on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and therapeutics of Ludwig's ...
Kamayangi, Olivia
core +10 more sources
Case Report: Ludwig's angina - 'The Dangerous Space'. [PDF]
Background: Ludwig's angina is a potentially life-threatening disease characterized by diffuse bilateral cellulitis with an odontogenic origin. This unique infection is now rare owing to the antibiotic era.
Vasanth S+6 more
europepmc +4 more sources
Ludwig's Angina, Clinical Challenge in Pediatrics. – A Case Report [PDF]
BACKGROUND: Ludwig's angina is a rapidly progressing cellulitis that occurs in the sublingual, submandibular, and submental spaces, with a high mortality rate due to its potential to obstruct the airway.
Andres Felipe Coba Cruz+4 more
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Ludwig's angina in children anesthesiologist's nightmare: Case series and review of literature
Ludwig's angina is potentially lethal, rapidly spreading cellulitis of the floor of mouth and neck. The anticipated difficult airway becomes even more challenging when it occurs in children.
Maitree Pandey+4 more
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Corynebacterium diphtheriae is a toxin producing, classically noninvasive bacteria that causes diphtheria a vaccine-preventable disease mainly in children.
Yashik Bansal+3 more
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Ludwig’s angina is a bacterial infection of the tongue and floor of the mouth. It can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. Treatment includes IV antibiotics and, in some cases, surgical intervention. In this report, we describe a case with an unusual presentation.
Romero J+7 more
europepmc +4 more sources
Ludwig's angina: An alarming radiology challenge [PDF]
Ludwig's angina is a cellulitis that affects the submandibular, sublingual, and submental regions, fast-spreading along the fascial plane. Ludwig's angina has been classified as a fast-moving, frequently fatal gangrenous cellulitis or necrotizing ...
Feredy Gunawan, MD+1 more
doaj +2 more sources
The case is described of an occurrence of Ludwig's angina with advanced stage of the disease with progressive and rapid airway compromise and fatal consequence. A review of the literature is undertaken to gain a better understanding of the disease, and gives the opportunity for presenting a summary of the key issues regarding this dreaded disease ...
Khalid Saifeldeen
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