Results 1 to 10 of about 6,398,224 (191)
Is the Commercial Mass Media Necessary, or Even Desirable, for Liberal Democracy? [PDF]
Is a commercial mass media, dependent on the market for its sustenance, necessary, or even desirable, for liberal democracy? Yochai Benkler has argued that a decentralized, peer-to-peer system of communications and information is both possible with digital technology and preferable to a system based on commercial mass media.
Neil Weinstock Netanel
arxiv +3 more sources
Why Mass Media Matter to Planning Research: The Case of Megaprojects [PDF]
This article asks how planning scholarship may effectively gain impact in planning practice through media exposure. In liberal democracies the public sphere is dominated by mass media. Therefore, working with such media is a prerequisite for effective public impact of planning research.
arxiv +1 more source
Mass media and heterogeneous bounds of confidence in continuous opinion dynamics [PDF]
This work focus on the effects of an external mass media on continuous opinion dynamics with heterogeneous bounds of confidence. We modified the original Deffuant et al. and Hegselmann and Krause models to incorporate both, an external mass media and a heterogeneous distribution of confidence levels.
arxiv +1 more source
Social Percolation and the Influence of Mass Media [PDF]
Mass media shift the percolative phase transition observed in the marketing model of Solomon and Weisbuch.
arxiv +1 more source
On Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Moving Media [PDF]
In this paper recent results regarding generalized continuum mechanics on oriented Riemannian manifolds are reviewed and summarized. The mass, the momentum and the energy conservation laws are given. Thermodynamics arising in such media is also considered as a Lagrangian manifold endowed with a Riemannian structure.
A noisy opinion formation model with two opposing mass media [PDF]
Processes of individual attitude formation and their macroscopic consequences have become an intriguing research topic, and agent-based models of opinion formation have been proposed to understand this phenomenon. This study conducted an agent-based simulation and examined the role of mass media in a noisy opinion formation process, where opinion ...
Information feedback and mass media effects in cultural dynamics [PDF]
We study the effects of different forms of information feedback associated with mass media on an agent-agent based model of the dynamics of cultural dissemination. In addition to some processes previously considered, we also examine a model of local mass media influence in cultural dynamics.
More Voices Than Ever? Quantifying Media Bias in Networks [PDF]
Social media, such as blogs, are often seen as democratic entities that allow more voices to be heard than the conventional mass or elite media. Some also feel that social media exhibits a balancing force against the arguably slanted elite media. A systematic comparison between social and mainstream media is necessary but challenging due to the scale ...
A data-driven model for influenza transmission incorporating media effects [PDF]
Numerous studies have attempted to model the effect of mass media on the transmission of diseases such as influenza, however quantitative data on media engagement has until recently been difficult to obtain. With the recent explosion of "big data" coming from online social media and the like, large volumes of data on a population's engagement with mass
Mass media competition and alternative ordering in social dynamics [PDF]
We investigate the collective behavior of a system of social agents subject to the competition between two mass media influences considered as external fields. We study under what conditions either of two mass media with different intensities can impose its message to the majority.